What I Deserve

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Max is the first to come home. He runs in the room, one hand wiping a little blood off his face. "Why the fuck did you little brats-"

Luther points at him. "What's wrong with your face?"

"Tripped on the stairs coming here..."

"You fucking ran up the stairs to get here?"


Adam came through the door and slammed it behind him. Max gestures towards him while maintaining eye contact with Luther. "I ran because I was trying to warn you about... ya'know... him."

Adam had an ice-cold glare digging into Luther's face. "You are a very bad pet, Luther. I already knew that. But you," his lavender eyes strike into me, "I expected better from you. I thought you would be a good boy for me, but here we are."

My entire body wanted to fold in on itself and disappear, but sadly I continued to exist. "I... I didn't technically break any rules."

He grabbed my chin with one had and leaned in close to me. He smelled of cologne and shampoo. "Then why do you look so goddamn guilty, Link?"

Max placed a hand on Adam's shoulder. "C'mon, don't be too mean to him. Be gentle to my princess."

Adam glanced towards Max, but his eyes quickly returned to mine. "What do you think, hmm? Do you deserve punishment?"

I shook my head.

"Will you be a good boy?"

I nodded. He gently kissed me on the forehead. "Good. Now let's deal with the true culprit."

Luther, unlike me, didn't have a hint of guilt or regret on his face. He looked excited as hell. Adam walked slowly over to him, landing mere inches away from his face.

"You deserve... harsh punishment. You knew what you were doing was wrong, you got Link involved, and now you dare to stand tall. You need to be knocked down a peg."

"It appears I do, Adam."

Oh. Not daddy or master, not even sir. Does Luther have a death wish? Adam grabs Luthers throat, and they both sigh a bit. "Maybe I should spank you. Maybe everyone should hear how bad you were, and how you have to pay for it."

I could see Luther getting hard.

"Or maybe I should fuck you like I rarely ever do; ruthlessly. Painfully. Leave you in so much pain."

Luther's eyes were squinted, his cheeks hot. Adam dragged and pushed him onto the bed, flipped him over, got on top of him, and leaned down to whisper to his submissive.

"Or maybe I won't."

Adam slid off the man and then off the bed. Luther flipped onto his back and shot out of the bed, grabbing Adam's wrist. "No, please."

Adam raised an eyebrow. Luther got onto his knees. "Please. Fuck me. Give me what I deserve."

"You don't deserve me inside you."

Luther changed his attention to Max. "Daddy, please. I need it so bad."

Max didn't move a muscle. Neither did I. Adam sat at the dining table, drumming his fingers. "Hmm, no. I'm still not satisfied. Link, get on the bed."

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