He's Worth It.

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I woke up to the sound of two voices. I kept my eyes closed and listened. I tried to keep my breaths even, and to not react.

"Aren't you upset, Adam?! He stepped out of line!"

"Of course I'm upset, Max. But not at him. I'm upset at whatever made him afraid to lower his walls."

"How long do you think it'll take him?"

"As long as it takes."

"Well, what if he runs away?"

"I don't know, Max! I don't know everything. All I know is that he's worth it. I feel it in my heart. You weren't here when Luther got here, and he wasn't exactly..."

"I get that. He still has his days. But... I'm excited to see Link smile. I'm eager to skip ahead to when I can hold him."

"I get that, Max, we all do. He'll open up to us when he's ready."

Then I heard sheets and blankets on the King sized bed move, and I heard Luther hoarsely say, "Max."

Max sighed, received a kiss from Adam, and went to cuddle Luther. I forced myself back to sleep.

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