He Knew

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We were all sitting on the floor. Max's lips grazed my neck as he held me from behind.  Luther had taken a few of my fingers and were sucking on them. His mouth was so hot and wet. Luther moaned a bit, vibrations on my hand. Adam pulled down my briefs and began to suck me off. The overwhelming feeling caused me to lean back into Max's embrace. He laughed at me. "You can't even take this like a man? Wow." 

He pulled my hair back and I looked at him through half-closed eyes. I whimpered, and I could tell he loved the sound. Adam had begun to speed up. I squeezed my toes and shut my eyes. 

I was gonna... I was about to...

"Link, wakey wakey!"

My eyes shot open. Fuck. I was hard. Max's smiling face was hovering over mine. He looked confused at my expression, and I saw his eyes flicker downward. He knew. Oh shit, he knew. I could tell he was thinking about saying something, but he decided against it. "Luther and Adam went out for breakfast. I'm going downstairs for mine. Want anything?" 

"Um, some pancakes would be nice."

Max smiled and left. All alone, my mind began to wander. I thought of the way Luther looked every time I came back home after I was out for a while. The way he looked exhausted and content. The way he looked at Max and Adam. The way they looked at him. 

But I also wanted to be looked at by Adam and Max the way they looked at Luther before they had sex. The hunger, and the lust. Like Luther was prey and they were the predators. And, against all my better judgment, I wanted to watch all that happened last night. BDSM, Max called it. I wanted it to happen to me.

While thinking of this, my hand drifted to my crotch. I was out of it. A bird could've flown into the room and I wouldn't notice. In my daze of lust and masturbation, fantasies about the lavender-eyed men danced around my head. I imagined Max flipping me over and fucking me in the ass. I imagined him cumming inside me, saying my name. Even better yet, a pet name for me. "Max..." I whispered.


My eyes shot open. Max was right there, sitting at the small table, eating a waffle, and watching me. My hand came off of my dick, still hard, and I held them up like he just caught me committing a crime. "WHAT THE FUCK MAX?!"



"Eating breakfast in my dorm. Where I live. And eat breakfast. Not my fault you didn't pay attention to me coming back."

I stared at him in disbelief. He saw me...y'know... and he's acting like it's not that big of a deal! But then I saw it. His eyes looked the exact way they did in my fantasies. Hungry. I stared at him, and he stared back. With every second, he looked more hungry, more like he wanted to get on top of me, right here, right now. The silence was heavy. Then he smiled. "Do you need me to help you finish?"

Even though this is what I wanted, my entire face blushed and my body froze. He looked like I had just fallen into his trap. I finally managed to say words. "I shouldn't."

He tilted his head. "But do you want me to?"

Yes I did. Jesus Christ, I wanted nothing more. I nodded. 

"I need you to say it, baby."

Oh shit he called me baby. A feeling I had never felt before I came here; safety. I knew he would take care of me. He wouldn't laugh. He wouldn't call me ugly. Hopefully. "I need you, Max."

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