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When I got home, Adam was doing work on his computer, Luther was watching TV, and Max was changing into his pajamas. I watched him take his shirt off and something rose in me. I walked over and grabbed his face, kissing him passionately. He dropped his shirt and kissed me back, one hand on my face, the other on my lower back. Our lips separated and he whispered "What's this for?"

"I'm just living my best life."

We crashed into each other again, until his hand trails up the back of my head, grabs my hair, and pushes me to my knees. By now, the others were watching. He caressed my face as I stayed on my knees, looking up at him. Max asked, "what do you want, princess?"

"Please fuck me."

He lifted an eyebrow. I corrected myself to, "please fuck me, daddy."

He wrenched me back up to my feet and led me to the bed. He pushed me down and got on top of me.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Do you just want sex or do you want to get dirty?"

"What do you have in mind?"

He whispered his plan to me and I consented. Before I knew it, a ring was around my cock and Max was flipping me over. The main thing I consented to was: I couldn't cum until everyone was done with me. Max eased a lubed butt plug into me, stretching me out. When he was satisfied, he pulled down his pants, shoved my face into the sheets, and proceeded to fuck me. I moaned heavily into the bed, and grabbed the bedding with my hands. I moaned with no shame this time, arching my back and screaming "Daddy!" At the top of my lungs. If Luther sounded like this, they would call him a whore.

Max sped up, telling me he was close. He thrust into me, his hands on my hips, and came. He panted and fell next to me. I began to sink into the bed when I felt hands on my waist, pulling me back up. Adam. He wasted no time pounding into me, Max's fresh cum acting as lube. I yelled and exclaimed "Master!" when he began. I was exhausted but I kept going. I wanted to cum so bad but the cock ring didn't let me. It was exhilarating but, at the same time, incredibly frustrating. I was receiving so much pleasure, it was almost too much.

Adam's grunts filled my mind and I moaned. "That's my princess." He praised. I was a mess. I've never had sex for this long before. I was drooling and moaning and whimpering and tears filled my eyes. Adam could tell I was struggling a bit so he began praising me with every thrust.
"That's my good boy."
"You're doing so good."
"Such a good boy for Master."

He kept a steady pace and came, leaving kisses on my back as he exited me. Right when I thought I was done, two fingers went inside my hole. Luther. He massaged slowly, and I loved it. I was shaking, my moans more breathy, but I still wanted to continue. Max pulled the ring off of my dick and told me to last for as long as I could.

I didn't last long. The soft pleasure of getting fingered after being fucked mercilessly twice was so nice. Luther was gentle and kind. I came in less then two minutes. When I finally got my release, I just laid down and sighed. Max cleaned everything up and laid back down next to me. Adam had to finish up some things on his computer, so I fell asleep between Max and Luther. Eric's words from earlier that night rang in my head.

"Live your best life."

I think I succeeded.

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