Breaking the Promise

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Casper told me Leo went back home, then he demanded the address so he could follow. It was such a dumb idea that I countered it with my own dumb idea. Long story short, I step off the mansion steps. I haven't actually really been out for fun in ages. I like staying in the mansion. It's safe there. It seems the only reason I leave is to rescue people. It still hasn't kicked in that I'm going back yet. I feel guilt for breaking the pinky promise, and I feel this fear drumming in the back of my skull. I have a thought that hasn't entered my head in two years. I need a drink.

I chuckle at the thought of the last time I had a drink, before Adam learned how old I was. He told me later that it didn't even dawn on him that I was 18 because I asked for a drink so confidently. Only a few more months until I can drink legally. Then again, I'm going back to my family's house. I might not live to turn 21.

It's farther than I remember, but somehow I know exactly how to get there. I stand in top of a hill and see it. Brick. Broken down. Eyesore of the neighborhood. I pray there's still a ladder in the back that leads to Leo's room. When I lived there, I technically had a room. I shared one with Mario. But he's a bitch, so I always stayed in the bathroom instead. Oh, memories.

I sneak past the windows into the back yard. There's the ladder, looking two years older. Okay, what's the plan? No clue. Get past Percy and then get past the rest of them. Survive whatever beating happens. Then get my brother and get the hell out. God, this is stupid. I start climbing.

I tumble into the room without much grace. I stand and I hear, "Holy shit."

I look over and see Percy on the bed. He stares at me like I'm a medium rare steak. Then his smile fades. "Nevermind, I don't have it in me. Too high. Leo's downstairs, but he ain't runnin'."

I nod at him and shakily open the door, trying to keep myself from disassociating. I look down the hall and I see Mario stop in his tracks. "What the fuck? What did I take?"

"I'm actually here, jackass. Is dad home?"

"Everyone is. He beat Kellen, beat Leo, Percy's too high. He's down too many guys, we're closed down for the day. What the fuck are you doing here?"

"None of your fucking business. Also, you need to cut your hair, you look ugly." I roll my eyes and walk downstairs.

I could feel myself returning to who I used to be. It scared me, if I'm being honest. It was all too familiar. When I reach the first floor, Dad starts laughing. "What in the actual fuck is going on today?"

Leo and Kellen are laying on the floor. Jack's drinking a beer in the kitchen. His eyes go wide when he sees me. "You're alive. You're alive, you bitch!"

He comes over, laughs, and claps my back. "Look who came crawling!"

"I'm here for Leo."

He scoffs and walks back to the kitchen. I look over at Dad. He groans and sits his recliner seat up. "Link."


That sets him off. He runs at me with surprising speed. I dodge and run, tripping over the bodies of my brothers. He grabs my ankles as I try to crawl away. He drags me off of my brothers and gets on top of me. The blows start landing. I watch Leo slowly get up. He winces and looks at us. Then Kellen stands up. Leo tried to pulls Dad off, then tries to push him. He doesn't budge. Dad has two years of pent up anger targeted towards me. He spews slurs and other insults as he pounds his fists against me. Kellen watches. I hear people running downstairs. A full minute passes. He usually gets tired at this point, but he gets up and starts kicking. His boot lands against my ribs and I try to crawl away. "Percy!" Dad calls. "Hold him down!"

TLDR: Link returns to his old house and sees all of his family again. He goes downstairs and his father begins hurting him.

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