I'll Give It A Shot

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When I came back into reality, I noticed a couple things.

1. I was in their bed.

2. Someone was stroking my hair.

3. Someone was rubbing my back.

And I kinda liked it. "Are you awake?" Adam asked.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

I was confused. "About what?"

Max spoke. "The kiss?"

I whispered, "Fuck; that was real?"

Max laughed a little bit. "Yep."

I sat up and Adam and Max stopped touching me.  "I guess you guys finally wore me down. I'll give it a shot."

"YES!" Max yells, fist-punching the air. Adam smiles and Luther gives a whoop from where he was sitting on the couch. "Lavender meeting!" Adam calls. "Luther get over here." Luther puts down whatever crackers he was eating and sit on the bed with us.

Max points dramatically towards Luther and says, "Luther! Boundaries! Go!"

Luther laughs. "I'm open to kissing, touching and sex."

Max swivels his arm to Adam. "Adam! Go!"

Adam gives him a look like he's a cute puppy dog Adam just watched run into a glass door. "I'm open to kissing, touching, and sex."

Max bounces around and yells "I'm open to kissing, touching, and sex!"

He cools down a little bit and looks at me. "What are you down for?"

I look around awkwardly. "I'm open to just kissing right now."

Max fist-bumps the air and almost falls out of the bed. "Awesome!"

Adam looks at his excited boyfriend. "You're an idiot, Max."

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