Green eyes

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Later that week I went down for breakfast with Adam. Max and Luther had the beginnings of a cold, so we were fetching it for them. On our way down the stairs someone was running up and knocked into me. I turned and shouted at her. "Hey!"

The girl turned around and I immediately shut up. She had every ear piercing I knew about, plus snake bits, a septum, both nostrils, and an eyebrow piercing. Her eyes were bright green, and her hair was black. It was up in two teased pigtails and the rest of her outfit was intimidating, to say the least. She glared at me, a glare that sent shivers down my spine. Then she smiled. "Adam, who is this cutie? I don't think we've met."

Adam smiled and went to hug her. "Vienna! It's been too long. I hope you had fun on your vacation."

She held up her left hand, showing off a ring shaped like a tree branch with a green gemstone in the middle, along with another ring shaped like a snake. "I had a blast."

Adam looked impressed. "You agreed to marriage? I have to know, who asked?"

"They both did. We all did. Accidentally. Paolo had been planning it for longer, though. Once the vacation was announced, Sam hopped on the idea train, as did I. Paolo's is the one with the gem, and Sam had this one picked out since we were kids. He showed me where he drew the ring in his diary. When they both got down on one knee, they started laughing hysterically. That's when I turned around and got out, you guessed it, the two rings I had planned."

Adam raised an eyebrow. "And you're really going through with it?"

"Don't give me that shit, I've grown up a lot since I got here. We're not getting married legally, but in the eyes of us and our friends, it will be true. And I'm ready for that commitment. I really am."

She looked proud of herself and Adam looked proud too. She turned to me. "Anyway, enough talking about how awesome I am, what's your name?"

"Link, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Vienna, and, trust me, it is nice to meet me. You should swing by my place tonight at 8. We're having a little party."

I nodded. She seemed nice, and much cooler than me. Adam and I continued down the steps. "What's Vienna's deal?" I asked.

"She's fun. We get along swell. She's a trad goth with a soft spot for her friends and family. Don't get on her bad side."


"I've seen her, in her words, 'slap a bitch.'"

I laughed.

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