Dinner Time

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We were still on the couches. Adam got up, followed by Max. Max extended a hand towards Luther, which he grabbed and hoisted himself up. The two exchanged a quick kiss and walked to the stairs that led to the bottom floor. Adam was standing in front on me. "Come on. It'll be fun."

"Shockingly, I doubt it."

Adam tilted his head. "We haven't done anything to hurt you yet, have we?"

"I guess not."

When we got downstairs, their was already a commotion waiting for us. No the bad kind, just the loud crowded kind. People were all talking to each other like they've known each other for years, sharing food and drinks and laughs. It was actually... kind of refreshing. There was probably 60 or 70 people in here, but no tension at all. There was a buffet that was held on three tables full of food at one side of the cafeteria-like room. I think Diversion Mansion might not be so bad.

Adam led me to a table where Luther and Max already sat. Across from the other Lavenders was two girls with red eyes. One, when she noticed the presence of Max and Luther, yelled "Sup bitches!" while the other gave a big smile and waved us all over. The tables were many and circular, and I sat in between Adam and Max, Luther on Max's other side. The girl who yelled looked at me and introduced herself. "I'm Tammy, and my girl here is Rosa. Nice to meet 'cha!"

I didn't respond at first, but gave in after a few second and said, "I'm Link. I'm new here."

"Well duh! You're the only one not having fun, which is usually a sign of a newbie. By the way, the Reds; myself, Rosa, Cheryl, Kelly, Mikey, Zander, and a few others are a platonic group. We're the chefs around here and all of us are friendly. You ever need help, look for red eyes and you've found it."

I smiled a bit. I liked her. "Okay, thanks."

Dinner went well, we ate some food, and listen to Tammy and Rosa share stories of their fun adventures through life. Both girls seem a little crazy. Rosa is a snake collector, and now I know that there's 14 snakes in the mansion with me.

Almost two hours later, Luther said "Bed time." and promptly got up. Adam and Max said in unison, "Don't die."

"You can't tell me what to do."

As Luther walked upstairs, I looked at the people around me, confused. Rosa said, "He needs his rest. Otherwise he'll get grumpy."

I looked at her and responded, "It seems he already is."

Tammy, Rosa, Max, and Adam all shared a look. That made my confusion even more prominent. "What?"

Max and Adam glared a the red-eyed girls, who both held up their hands in a defensive manner, still not speaking. I'm starting to get tired of this. "What?!"

Adam responded coolly. "As much as we all adore the Reds, they're known for not keeping secrets. I'm just making sure they do."

Tammy and Rosa smiled sheepishly. Then, out of nowhere, a man with red eyes walked up behind Rosa, looked at me, then said, "Luther's hangry. But like, for dick. Issue is, homeboy's freaky. I'm talkin' real freaky. And if we're gonna make you feel comfortable, exposing you to that shit is counterproductive. These dudes," He pointed to Max and Adam, "have cut off his supply."

We all just stared at each other or straight down at the table as the man walked away. Tammy finally broke the silence. "I'll go lecture him. Sorry guys."

She and Rosa left the table, leaving me and the men alone. Max got up and went upstairs without a word. Adam looked me in the eye and said, "Sorry about that. Really, I am. Anything I can do to make this situation less awkward?"

"Actually, yeah. Get me a drink."

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