Don't Swallow

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It was two months since I moved into Diversion Mansion. I slowly got more comfortable with the boys and got to know them better. Luther works from home and I do online school, so we get to spend all day together. I learned that he's only allowed to masturbate with Max's and Adam's permission. It was really weird to learn at first, but now it's pretty funny every time they say no. Luther practically screams at his phone and dramatically flops onto the bed. He eventually gets over it, but it's hilarious nonetheless.

Today, I was doing math homework; calculus. Luther looks at his phone and slams his head into his desk. "Aw, poor Luther," I say after a chuckle.

He calls Adam again, and after a bit his jaw drops. I sit up a little on the couch. "What?"

Luther has fucking fire in his eyes and puts the call on speakerphone. I hear a groan and then Adam say "Luther..."

I look at Luther in disbelief. "He's not..."

"Oh. He is."

"Right after telling you that you can't?"

"Making me fucking listen to it."

I burst out laughing. Luther is just slowly shaking his head as his face blushes, probably an effect of both anger and horniness. When Adam's breath starts getting heavier, Luther hangs up the phone and slumps onto the couch. He turns his head towards me. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"Yeah, sure you are."

He shoves me a bit. "I will!"

"You'll keep saying that until he walks through that door, Luther."

He keeps pushing me and we both laugh. A little lightbulb lights in my brain. "You can't touch yourself. That's what he said right?"

A smile grows on his face. "I know exactly where you're going and I'm in love with you."

I close my laptop and set in next to the couch. I get down on my knees and start pulling down Luther's sweats when he goes. "Wait. What if we film it."

My hand slaps over my mouth as I bust out laughing. He sets up his phone against the arm of the couch and positions it so it faces the lower half of his torso. I get to work.

A couple times I look at the camera, but for the rest I look in Luther's eyes. His hand is on my head but he isn't pushing me down. He occasionally twirls some of my hair around his fingers as he lays back and moans. Gotta say; great sound.

He hisses in a breath and his hand pulls my hair. He huffs out a few words. "Don't... Swallow..."

So I don't. I mean, I do a little bit. But I try to just hold it in my mouth. Luther grabs my chin and shoves his face into mine. His tongue enters my mouth as cum drips down our chins and our throats. We stay like this for a bit until there's no more left. When we finally pull away from each other and swallow, he's quick to return to my lips, then my chin, and even down my neck, trying to get the last few drops. While he does I reach over and stop the video. Luther sits back and grabs his phone. While wiping as much spit off of me as possible I scoot up next to him. He sends it to the Lavender group chat with a couple of heart emojis.

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