Get On The Bed

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"Luther, come here." Max ordered. Before he could get off the bed, Adam said "Come to me, sweetheart."

Oh shit. It was a tug-of-war. Whoever Luther went to would be pleased, the other pissed. "Luther!" The sadists barked in unison. Luther stayed where he was, eyes darting between the two men.

The Doms then looked to me, wondering to themselves if I wanted a part in this. The same feeling I felt with Max resurfaced. I knew in my heart they wouldn't be mad at me. They wouldn't hurt me if I didn't want it. I felt safe enough to go with my gut, to not overthink things for once.

I slid off the bed and walked over to Max, leaning my head on his shoulder. No shit, I saw Adam's eye twitch. "Thank you, princess," Max spoke in my ear. That hit different. I could feel myself getting hard again.

Adam slowly, VERY slowly, walked towards Max while staring into his eyes. Their faces were mere inches away from each other. Max's hand slowly made its way over my shirt and softly wrapped around my throat. Still maintaining the stare with Adam, he leaned down and kissed my neck. I whimpered a little, and that sent Adam over the edge.

He grabbed Max's chin and pulled it towards him. With one hand on his chin and the other on Max's shoulder, he finally broke the stare and looked at me. "Link, get on the bed. Luther, stoplight system."

I didn't have to be told twice. I broke away from Max and climbed onto the middle of the bed. Luther hopped on next to me. "I'm gonna talk kinda fast," he said, "if they ask for your color, it's checking to see how you are outside of the scene. Green means keep going, yellow means somethings not right and we can talk about it, red means an instant stop. No matter what we are doing, if anyone says red we stop. It's our safe word. Never, and I mean NEVER lie about your color. We will never be mad at you for stopping the scene if you're uncomfortable. Does that make sense?"

I nodded. I can do this. I can do this. I heard yelling. When I looked up, Max had been chained to metal bars that ran across the ceiling. He struggled in his shackles and tried to kick at Adam, without success. "Are you ready?" Luther asked me.


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