Please Follow Us

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When I walked inside, I saw a giant dining hall filled with about 50 people of all colors, sizes, and genders. The things they had in common were they were all happy. And their eyes were unnatural colors. Bright blue, deep green, pink, purple, teal, you name it. Some people had the same eyes as others. They all stopped and looked at me when I entered. The stranger that brought me in here had disappeared somewhere. A woman with a cloth over her eyes walked towards me. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hands, dear."

Her hands were outstretched, palms up. I hesitantly placed my hands on top of hers. A searing pain ran through my skull and I pulled away. When I looked up, my vision was blurry and everyone was intently staring at me. The blind woman pulled a handheld mirror from her pocket. When I looked in it, I saw that my eyes were a bright lavender color. I gasped and when I looked away, I saw two men staring at me. They both had the same lavender eyes as me. One was tall, wore a suit, sported a pair of glasses, and had a stern expression. The other had a slightly frightening half smile, intense eyes, and was my height. The tall man spoke. "I'm Adam. That's Max. Please follow us."

They led me, still quite confused, upstairs, through a door, and into a living room. Adam motioned for me to sit on a couch. It was soft and really comfortable. I finally spoke. "What's happening?"

"Hello. This is a place called Diversion Mansion. It's a shared space where we all live. Your eyes match ours, which mean we're soulmates. And yes, Max is also your soulmate. Along with Luther, who'll you'll meet sometime. A mysterious one he is. Any questions?"

I looked at this dude in disbelief. "So, I don't know you guys and you're saying you want me to fall in love with you? What the hell man? Is this a joke?"

Max spoke up. "Hey, I know it sounds ridiculous. I mean, I got here a year ago so I remember how it sounds wack. But, if you stay, I know you'll find we make good company. And great sex too, but that's just a bonus."

Adam shot Max a glare. Both of their faces softened Max looked me in the eye with lavender eyes. "Please stay. Just a week. If you want to leave after a week, you can. And if you do leave, you can always come back."

I stood up and began to walk to the door. I opened it and bumped into someone. Another tall man with violet hair and slumped shoulders. He lifted my chin with a soft hand. "Hm. You're cute."

I smacked his hand away and noticed yet another pair of eyes that matched mine. Luther, the third guy. He pushed past me and towards the bathroom. Adam stopped him. "Remember to take off your clothes if you take a bath, and please don't fall asleep in deep water."

"You can't tell me what to do. Hey man," He turned back to me, "You leaving? Damn. I guess you got something better to do."

I stopped in the doorway. I realized I don't have anything better to do. I'm... alone either way. I don't have anything to lose. I walked back inside and shut the door. "Fine"

Author here! I was on a plane when I wrote this, so I know it's rushed and somewhat bad. If you have any questions, comment and I'll answer them in the next part. Love, Spirris.

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