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Adam and Max looked at each other, but neither one knew about my brothers. I opened the door and went downstairs, continuing to fight the fog of disassociation. When I got down there, there was a crowd looking at him. I pushed past to see Leo on the floor, crumpled up into a ball. I could tell he was bracing for impact, like he thought someone was going to beat him up. He was yelling. "Get away, get away! Go away!"


He stopped yelling immediately. He looked up, and I could tell he was high. "Link?"

I slid onto the floor and hugged him. He hugged back. He had gotten bigger since the last time I'd seen him. I guess it's been nearly two years. He always worked out as an escape, can't get beat if you're at the gym. But he was always rapidly loosing weight because of the pills. He never ate when he was on pills. But now he looked nearly healthy.

"Leo, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know." He slurred his words slightly.

I looked around and saw Briar, the witch. Once my eyes settled on her, I remembered what had to happen next. "Leo, get up. This is Briar. Some cool shit's gonna go down now."

He got to his feet and Briar extended her hands. "Put yours on hers." I instructed him.

He flopped his hands down and flinched. Everyone else I knew had the searing pain, so it confirmed for me that he was on painkillers right now.

He blinked a few times. "My head hurts."

Everyone stared into his eyes. They were dark blue. People cheered, and I hugged him. I realized I hadn't ever seen someone with dark blue eyes. Maybe once, in passing. But I'd never met anyone with eyes like this. "Stay here, I'll get Casper." Said a red eyed man.

"Leo, you're here. I can't believe it." I whispered as the crowd dispersed slowly.

"I found you. I kinda thought you were dead, if I'm honest. Or half way across the Earth."

I shook my head. "Two towns over and in hiding."

He nods. His pupils begin to return to normal and he shakes his head. His body looks weaker now, in pain. "Dammit."


"I've been trying to stay off of pills, but it's not working great. Maybe now that we're back as bros I'll have some motivation!"

"Oh, Leo. You have no idea what's gonna happen, do you? You're gay, right?"

"I do remember being the gay sibling. Why?"

"Oh...uh... I'm pretty gay too. But let's skip over that part for now. Down those stairs any second now, your soulmate is going to appear. A handsome young man, fit perfectly for you. That's gonna be motivation."

He looks at me. "You're dead serious?"

"I'm in love with three men who have yet to do me wrong. I'm confident they're my soulmates. And everyone else is confident they're with their soulmates. Yeah, man."

One of the Reds walked down the stairs with a small man, even smaller than me or Eric. He held the Red's hand. He looked to be about my age, 19-20. His hair was brown and shaggy. He wore clothes that were too big for him. Not my type, but I heard Leo inhale sharply. The men reached us and the red broke off. Only some people stared now. The blue eyed men just stared at each other.

"Hi, I'm Leo." My brother said gently.

"I'm Casper." He squeaked.

"I'll leave you to it." I patted my brother on the back and went off towards the Lavenders.

Leo took a sideways glance at me but his eyes were stuck on Casper. Casper shakily extended a hand towards him, and my brother took it. They walked upstairs, the small man whispering quietly to the muscular one.

My brain hurt. My body was shaking slightly. I knew the fog would wrap me up gently if I let it. It would help. So I gave up control. My vision blurred, and Max ran to me.

Hello everyone! I am publishing this the same day I publish the first few chapters of Blue! It's going to be insanely angsty, with the main characters being a traumatized drug addict and another traumatized man. Remember to follow me if you like my writing style, and I also have other books in this series! Thanks, everyone!


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