Round 1

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He nods, and I wrap my hand around his dick, moving up and down a few times. I put one hand on his thigh and start sucking him off. I look up at his face and he looks down at me with squinted eyes as he whimpers.

"What a beautiful sight." Max says.

Luther moans, and Adam adds, "And what beautiful sounds."

Luther's fingers run through my hair. "Oh, god, this feels so good."

I go faster, shutting my eyes and listening for more comments. Adam says, "I mean, any time where Luther's legs are spread is a good time. Luther, how are you feeling about degradation right now?"

I went slower so he could catch his breath a little. "Be possessive; call me your good slut, toy, or whore. Mix praise with degrading honorifics." Luther says while pushing my hair out of my face.

"Well, our toy looks like he's right in his element, playing with our other sub. They're both just so good at what they do. Go faster, Link, I want to hear him get loud." Adam says in that low voice that I love.

I follow his instructions and suck harder and faster. Luther twitches and whimpers turn into moans. "I want to..." he breathes out, "help you guys cum. I want to be a good boy."

I pull away and stand, asking, "Can I kiss you?"

Luther nods and I lean down to kiss him before letting him stand up and watching him walk to Adam. He strokes Adam through the thin fabric of his pajama pants, and Adam asks to kiss him. Luther gives consent and they kiss passionately. Max asks loudly, "Color?"

Luther and Adam break the kiss as we all say "Green."

Adam groans Luther's name as he gets closer. Luther pulls down his pants and gets on his knees he gives Adam a handjob until Adam, with a "That's my good boy," cums on Luther's face. Luther brings his fingers to his cheek and gathers the liquid, then sucks it off his fingers. Adam smiles down at him. Luther looks at Max and begins to stand, but Max holds out a hand. "You don't have to, but I'd like it if you crawled to me."

Luther grins and gets into his hands and knees, crawling towards Max. Max tilts his head and smiles at the sight. Luther is on his knees in front of Max, who crouches down and grabs Luther's chin and shakes his face slightly. "My darling slut wants to get me off, right?"

Luther nods.

"Can you and Link work together to do it?"

My eyes light up. I was happy just watching this unfold, but Luther waves me over. I get off the bed where I was sitting and drop to the floor, crawling over to Max. He seems pleased at my decision, and nods at me. We start with Luther and I both licking him, Luther licking and sucking at the tip and me along the shaft. Adam walks behind Max and kisses his neck. Max reaches a hand up and over his shoulder to grab onto Adam's head while his other hand pets Luther's hair. I move out of the way so Luther can use his deepthroating skills. "Can I get you off?" I ask Luther and he nods as tears form in his eyes.

My hand goes in between his thighs and he cums at the same time as Max. Luther swallows greedily, and then wipes his own cum off of his dick and licks it off his fingers.

"Color?" Adam asks.

"Green!" We all smile.

"You're last." Luther whispers.

I grin. "Bring it on."

Luther pushes my shoulder and I follow the natural motion to lay down on the hardwood floor. He jacks me off with occasional licks up my shaft or teasing the tip with his tongue. When I cum, he quickly licks it all up off of my dick and torso.

We all stay still for a bit, breathing. Then Max grabs my hand and Adam grabs Luther's, and they pull us up to standing. "Okay. How's everyone feeling?" Adam asks.

Max gives a thumbs up, and I say, "Great."

Right when I notice Luther didn't say anything, Adam pulls him in for a hug and brings one of Luther's legs up, signaling to Luther to wrap his arms around Adam's neck and legs around his waist. Adam holds him and Luther burrows his head into Adam's neck. "Bath?" Adam asks.

Luther nods and they go to the bathroom. Max leads me to the dresser and put on some pants and one of the big hoodies. Who knows if it was originally Max's or Adam's, all I know is everyone wears it now. Max brings me to the couch and he sits. I sit on his lap and curl up, leaning into him. He rubs my back. "You did so good."

"Thank you. I'm totally fine, I just feel this need to not leave your side. I like when you hold me." I respond.

"Then I shall hold you. Forever!" He tightens his grip around me and I laugh.

I look over at the bathroom. "Is he okay, do you think?"

Max nods. "Oh, yeah. He just got quiet. He was quiet for a long time. I lived here I think two weeks before Luther spoke to me. He," Max's jaw goes tight, "wasn't allowed to talk where he was before. And I was ruining his routine by showing up. It was a whole thing. Anyway, when he experiences sub drop, he sometimes goes quiet and wants Adam to take care of him. Adam and Luther have a crazy bond- Adam was the first person Luther deemed as safe after his abuse. Adam bathed, fed, loved, and listened to him for a while before Luther opened up. Not only do I think Charlotte makes us soulmates, I think she can control when we show up, too. I can't imagine what it would have been like if Luther showed up at any other time. Adam was pretty much perfect since the beginning. He has some drive that leads him to love so truly and purely. If you ask him about it, he just says 'I wasn't perfect, Luther made me want to be.' Or some sappy shit like that."

I nodded and Max held me until Luther and Adam ended their bath and Max fetched us breakfast.

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