Men in dark

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"Don't do that.. please" he said pleadingly.

"What did I do?" She said confused.

"Don't blush sweetheart. Your cheeks are naturally pink and you make that turn into deep shade of scarlet by blushing" he said while giving a chuckle.

Her whole face flushed in red due to the shyness. The lowered her head as her lips curved into a smile.

After some moments of bliss, her face lost its glow. She is happy indeed but the event which took place in river bank still haunted her mind.

Being a great warrior, her husband sense it without any delay. How can he see her full face? He will do anything to see the charming smile on the face. No jewellery is needed to adorn her face. Her smile is just enough to any man fell in love with her. He is not any exception in this case.

"Is not fair darling" he said as he doesn't in mood to leave her or see her sad face.

"Don't change the topic. What did you think about me?" She asked after came out from her own world.

"Do you really want an answer princess" he shot back with concerned face.

"Maybe..yes" she looked at him innocently.

"Then come with me princess" he stretched out his hand toward her.

"Ah?" She asked confused.

"Come with me" he showed his perfect white like tooth. She just sat in same posture astonishingly.

"Why? Don't you believe me?

He sighed and continued, "some moments ago, a princess said that she is believe in me..." He stopped abruptly and gestured as he trying hard to recall something.

Draupadi's mouth hung open. She didn't say anything. She merely uttered "ah?" in confused tone as he asked her to come with him suddenly.

Out of the blue, he is acting weird without reason. He does all this just because of a word, "ah?"

The perplexed princess's chain of thoughts broke as she heard him, her husband.

"Yes, she mentioned that husband is body and wife is soul but now, that also in some moments she forgot all of that and doesn't believe me anymore" he said dramatically.

"Hey, don't be dramatic" she said while gave him a chuckle. Her face again came back to its normal condition.

"See, now she calls me dramatic. I don't even know that my wife has short time memory loss disorder" he continued

"Hey" she said with stern face, maybe for her and slapped his arm playfully.

Karn can't help it. He wanted to continue but he can't suppress his laughter.

"Your stern face is so cute and adorable princess" he made known.

"So that means you did all this purposely?" She asked him. Her doe eyes grew bigger as she saw her husband didn't reply her and oppositely he laughed heartily.

But somehow she didn't react. Silently admired her husband. A giggle left her mouth as she recalled how accurately he gestured to recall what she said.

Karn stopped, and after all this is his turn to admire his wife, his love.

After a small drama, he got what he craved for, her happy face straight in front of him.

"So really don't you believe me?" He asked again and extended his hand towards her.

"Nothing like that. As I said before I believe you and will do always" she said smilingly and put her delicate hand on his.

She stood and straighten her lehenga. They came out from the hut. This time he led her to another direction.

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