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One month had passed since the clandestine union of Draupadi and Karna, a month marked by the quiet blossoming of their love amidst the bustling life of Anga. In the wake of their marriage, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bond deepening with each passing day.

Not like any other couple who bound by duty, they had become confidants, allies, and companions, their relationship transcending the boundaries of mere husband and wife. Together, they navigated the complexities of their roles as king and queen, working tirelessly to ensure the prosperity and well-being of their kingdom.

Their days were spent in a whirlwind of meetings, councils, and administrative duties, yet amidst the chaos of courtly affairs, they always found time for each other. Whether it was stealing quiet moments in the gardens of the palace or sharing a meal beneath the starlit sky, they cherished every opportunity to be together.

But it was not just as lovers that they found solace in each other's company. As friends, they shared their hopes, dreams, and fears, offering each other support and encouragement in times of need. In the rare moments when they could steal away from their duties, they would embark on long rides through the countryside, exploring the beauty of their kingdom hand in hand.

Their partnership extended beyond the walls of the palace, as they worked tirelessly to improve the lives of their subjects. Together, they implemented policies and initiatives aimed at alleviating the suffering of the poor, providing education to the masses, and fostering a sense of unity and harmony among the people of Anga.


The arrival of the messenger from Hastinapur heralded a day of both joy and trepidation in the kingdom of Anga. As Draupadi and Karna read the letter from Duryodhana, their hearts swelled with happiness at the news of their friend's well-being. However, the mention of unexpected guests from Hastinapur cast a shadow of uncertainty over their spirits.

With furrowed brows, they exchanged worried glances, wondering what could have prompted the sudden visit of the royal family to their kingdom. As they pondered the implications of the letter, they knew that they could not afford to delay their response.

Summoning their advisors and trusted counselors, they quickly formulated a plan of action. It was decided that they would prepare a grand reception for their guests, ensuring that every detail was attended to with the utmost care and hospitality.

As preparations for the royal visit began in earnest, Draupadi found herself lost in thought, her mind wandering back to the journey ahead. Though she was excited to see his friends from Hastinapur, a sense of apprehension gnawed at her heart.

Sensing her unease, Karna reached out to her, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through her veins. "Do not worry, my love," he whispered, his voice soft and reassuring. "Whatever challenges lie ahead, we will face them together, as we always have."

Draupadi smiled at him gratefully, her heart swelling with love for the man who had stolen her heart. In that moment, she realized just how fortunate she was to have him by her side, a constant source of strength and support.

As they set out on their journey to Hastinapur, the air was filled with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the rolling hills and verdant forests that stretched out before them.

As they rode side by side, Karna stole glances at Draupadi, his heart swelling with love and admiration for the woman who had captured his heart. Though they hadn't faced almost any trials and tribulations together, their bond had only grown stronger with each passing day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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