Too Fast

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"Why you are crying? Don't you like it? It's okay, we can buy new ones. Please, don't cry dear" he nearly begged her.

Without utter any word, she just hugged him. He patted her back in a soothing manner. He understands her feeling. The nervous and fears ng away from her family with an unknown person.

After some time they went to the royal garden which is meant for the royals only. They sat on one grassy floor near the small pond.

"Don't worry dear, every girl must cross this phase of their life. Do you know, why God gives this difficult task to the girls?" He asked her twin sister while directly looking into her eyes.

She nodded her head in no.

"Because the girls are much stronger than boys, just like you dear. They can overcome the pain of separation from their family. The boys definitely, can't do that. We can survive without family support, we need someone to stand by our side always. But girls can do anything without anyone's help. You guys can absorb the pain and difficulties easily and change them into happiness and joy. The girls can make anyone l relieved easily. Whenever I see you smiling, my heart will fill with my happiness. Until now, I don't know how can you that" he stated as a loud chuckle left his mouth.

"That's why everyone needs the girls as a mother, sister, and most importantly wife" he finished as smiled at her.

She felt relieved after heard to her twin's points. The sun was very tired as both of them and the moon eagerly waited to take over. So they just retreat to their chamber.

After the bath, she wore a simple milk-white lehenga with silver embroidery works that enchanted her beauty. Thin golden bangles adorned her hands. Simple yet elegant circle earrings, the long-chain around her long neck, and pair of anklets make her divine beauty. She wore the jasmines in her long tresses.

The sweet scent of the jasmine mixed with the natural blue lotus fragrant of her. The chamber filled with her mesmerizing scent. Her flawless skin glow under the moonlight as she went to the balcony to see the night sky. The sparkling stars feel jealous of her. The moon felt embarrassed and went behind the clouds to hide by seeing the epitome of beauty.

The wind played with her long dark locks. She sat on the couch on the balcony. The thoughts of her upcoming swayamvar danced in front of her eyes. Her friend's divine voice rang in her ears. "Just do your work, you will get what you deserve". It was barely a whisper.

"I will," she said to herself confidently before closing her eyes. He placed the small pillow on the h to her head and fell into the deep slumber as she was very tired.
another either there, Pandavas, and Kunti reached the Hastinapur but it's already night. It won't be e  appropriate to go to the palace after so long in the night. So they decided to stay in the temple for that night.

"After the sunrise, we must reach the palace. So, be ready my dear brothers" said the elder.

All of the brothers nodded their heads in agreement.

They all fell into an ep slumber as they are already tired after the long walk. The five brothers also see the nightmare every day but they didn't share it with anyone.

However, they are enjoying their nightmare and desperately waiting to meet the black eyes beauty.

The brothers and their mother woke up before the dawn as usual. They took bath in the river on the backside of the temple. They did their prayers before sunrise. So no one will identify them.

They reach the main gate of the palace of Hastinapur. The elder soldier who guards the entrance identifies them abruptly. The loyal soldier's eyes filled with tears as he saw the fortune of Hastinapur disguise as them.

He saluted the crown prince of Hastinapur and follow them to guard them against the others. The aged man cared about the future of his motherland. The happiness marred the elder soldier's features.

The humble princes and their mother looked at him as their lips curved into a smile.

"The crown prince of Hastinapur with his brothers and mother are joining the court" announced the guards of the court in unison.

The eyes of the Duryodhan and his uncle grew bigger as they saw the mighty warriors are safe and sound with their mother.

They greeted the court respectfully. There's no bound to the happiness of the oldest man of the royal court. The future of his motherland is saved now. The blind king felt happy for his late brother's family even though, he knew the truth that his son cannot become the ruler of the kingdom.

"Why you brothers didn't come to Hastinapur after escaping from the wax palace?" asked the evil-minded uncle of Duryodhan.

"We want our mother to be safe. So we decided to hide our true identity for sometimes" replied the elder Pandav.

"Is it fair to hide your identity?"

"Nothing is unfair in terms of protecting mother" the answer put a full stop to every question they were about to ask.

"Stop all of you. The crown prince of Hastinapur is here all safe and sound. We must feel happy about it. But in the opposite, all of you ask them the irrelevant question" said Bheesm to stop this weird question session.

The pin-drop silence occurred in the royal court.

"That's all for today. All of you can continue your daily chores and Pandavas and their mother goes take rest as you guys are tired" said the king.

All of them retreat to their chamber. Pandavas, the mighty warriors no need to take rest as there e y already used to it. Kunti went to the chamber of her sister-in-law. After so long both of them met. The elder lady gave Kunti a warm hug. They spent time together.

Suddenly their head turned towards the entrance of the chamber as both of them heard the door knocking. Kunti saw a beautiful princess standing there.

"She is the princess of Dwarka, the younger sister of Krishna," said the only princess of Hastinapur.

"Subhadra?" uttered Kunti in a confused tone.

The princess nodded her head in yes and elegantly walked up to her aunt to take blessings.

"May you have a long life" said Kunti as she put her hand on the head of her niece.

"You grow up so fast my dear. How is your parent?" asked the elder lady in a concerned-filled voice.

'They are fine" she answered in a chirpy voice.

"Did you present at the festival? I saw you that day Kunti said with a smile.

"Yes, I was present there. My brother force me to go there".

"Hey, you didn't meet the Pandava brothers right?" Asked Dusshala as she was already bored with the formal conversation.

"Yes, my dear. Go and meet them" Kunti permitted her and continue her conversation with the queen.

Both of the princesses went to the royal garden where the Pandava brother discussed the next move after their regular practice.

The Yadava Princess recognized the young well-built Brahmin whom she hit accidentally in the festival.

Instead of the saffron cloth, he wore a white color dhoti and the same color shawl with golden embroidery. The golden ornaments that he wore make him more handsome than before.

There are also four more princes with a divine glow on their faces.

"She is the princess of Dwarka and the only sister of Krishna," Dusshala said as she introduced her to them.

Hey friends! As usual, I hope you like this chapter.
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