Queen of Anga

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As they indulged in the hearty meal, the family's conversation veered towards childhood memories, prompting Karn's parents to reminisce about his playful antics as a child. They chuckled as they recalled how Karn would always find a way to avoid eating bottle gourd, much to their amusement.

"I remember those days," Adhirath said with a fond smile. "Karn, you were quite the picky eater. You would come up with the most creative excuses to avoid vegetables, especially bottle gourd."

Karn laughed sheepishly, feeling a pang of nostalgia for those carefree days. "Yes, Father, I suppose I was a bit of a troublemaker when it came to vegetables," he admitted, glancing at Draupadi with a playful twinkle in his eye.

Draupadi joined in the laughter, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Mata, later can you tell me more about this" she said with a teasing grin. 

Karn's parents turned their attention to Draupadi, curious to learn more about her own childhood. "And what about you, Draupadi?" Radha asked gently. "Do you have any fond memories from your childhood?"

Draupadi's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering in her eyes. "I'm afraid I don't have any childhood memories," she admitted softly. "You see, I was born from the sacred flames of a yagna just two and a half months ago. My life began in that moment, and I have no recollection of anything that came before."

There was a moment of silence as Karn and his parents absorbed Draupadi's words, their hearts going out to her. Despite the lack of shared childhood experiences, they felt a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards Draupadi, their soft corner for her growing even stronger.

"I see," Adhirath said gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Draupadi's shoulder. "Well, my dear, you may not have a childhood to remember, but you have a lifetime ahead of you to create new memories with us. We welcome you into our family with open arms, and we look forward to sharing many more moments together."

Draupadi smiled gratefully, touched by the warmth and acceptance of Karn's parents. In that moment, surrounded by love and support, she felt a sense of belonging that filled her heart with joy. And as they continued their meal, Karn and Draupadi exchanged a silent glance, their bond strengthened by the shared understanding of their pasts and the promise of a future filled with love and laughter.

After breakfast, Karn, now the proud King of Anga, escorted Draupadi to the majestic court, where she would make her debut as the queen of the realm. The anticipation crackled in the air as they entered the opulent hall, its walls adorned with rich tapestries depicting the kingdom's history and glory.

With regal poise, Karn led Draupadi to the center of the court, where the ministers and officials awaited their arrival. The courtiers stood in awe as they beheld the new queen, her presence commanding attention and respect.

"Ministers and esteemed council members," Karn's voice boomed with authority, "I present to you Queen Draupadi, the jewel of Anga and my cherished partner in governance."

The court erupted into a flurry of activity as the ministers rose from their seats, offering deep bows of reverence and admiration to Draupadi. Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they welcomed her with open arms, eager to witness the dawn of a new era in Anga's history.

"Welcome, Your Majesty," one minister declared, his voice ringing with sincerity. "Your presence brings light and hope to our kingdom, and we pledge our unwavering loyalty to your reign."

Draupadi acknowledged their greetings with a gracious smile, her confidence unwavering as she addressed the court with eloquence and grace.

"I am deeply honored by your warm welcome," she proclaimed, her voice carrying across the hall with authority. "Together, let us embark on a journey of prosperity and unity, for the glory of Anga and its people."

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