Sneak out

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They broke their hug as they heard their prince voice. "Draupadi come here, father is looking for you" he said from the balcony. She nodded and ran towards the chamber.

This all was witnessed by Karn. It's now clear that she is the fire born princess of Panchal and the swayamvar which will be held in two days is for her only. He was retreat to his chamber with a big smile. He removed this crown as he reached the chamber. He sat on couch and his mind filled with so many question.

"How can someone be this much beautiful? Is princess can be this much friendly with maids? Humble? Kind? This much of childishness and innocence. Is she really existed or am I daydreaming?" he asked and pinched himself.

"But am I deserve her? She is a born princess and I am just a son of charioteer. Is she will accept me?" his chain of thought broke as he heard his friend's voice. He walked up to the door and opened it.

"Come, let us go to the famous market of Panchal. I don't know why that is so special. So let us find out my friend" said Duryodhan smilingly.

Karn nodded and went to the famous market of Panchal.

The two friends went to the famous market of Panchal. The market was very big indeed. So many item and stuffs and the different thing is the item in the market are not ordinary one. All the stuffs are unique. There is no same thing like other.

The sellers also very kind and friendly with the customers. Maybe these all the reason to the market become famous.

Almost two hours Karn and Duryodhan spent in the market as commoners. Duryodhan went with Shishupal the king of Chedi as he just arrived Panchal to participate in the swayamvar. So, Karn roamed in the market without any motive as he felt suffocated to sit idly in the majestic chamber.

Lastly he came for the jewelry shops. As usual, the shops are filled with women. He was about to turn but stopped in midway as he saw one of the maid who played with princess in garden. She looked tensed.

Her lips parted as she said something to another girl who stood beside her. Karn couldn't see the another girl's face as she covered her face with a shawl.

Karn could smell the same blue lotus fragrance, he smelled in the garden. The eyes of her, he can't deny that he became a victim of the pair of eyes. He walked up to the girl unknowingly as a metal which attracted to magnet.

The sudden strong wind actually nothing more than a boon for him make her shawl dropped on grassy floor. She was the same girl. He can't say a girl but the same angle who he saw in garden some hours ago.

Flashback :)

After met with her father, she was retreat to her chamber. Krishna entered her chamber after spent quality of time with his cousins as they left for the nearby Shiv temple. The usual smile played on his lips.

"Sakhi, don't you feel nervous about your swayamvar?" asked the who already know her answer.

"You the one who said that we must accept our fate and do our duty. So, end of the day we will get the fruit of our deeds and now you ask like this" she completed with a wink.

"My Sakhi is very clever indeed. So don't you feel boring to stay in chamber whole day. If you want go anywhere, you can procced. I will be here until you returned" said her friend.

"How could you read my mind?" She asked while grinning.

"What will be happen if anyone come to my chamber and find out that I am not here?" she asked as glow on her face faded.

"No one will come to your chamber if I here. Don't worry."

"Okay. Where should I go?" She asked in confused tone.

"That's your wish sakhi. This is your life and you should take decision by your own" he said with small smile in the corner of lips

"Alright, I will here within two hours so be careful" she said and left the chamber.

"I won't interfere in your decision sakhi and won't let you suffer this time" he mumble to himself. 

 She sneaked out from the palace with her close friend Malini. 

Present :)

Karn stood there stunned as he saw the divine beauty who stood merely two feet apart from him. She slightly smiled at him and nodded her head as he stood closer to her.

That was merely a smile but he was lost in her deep dark eyes.

He replied her in same gesture but with a big smile. He passed the girls and merged in crowed so they can't see him but he can see them.

They stood in the same earring shop for half an hour.

"There is only 45 minutes more, it will take 15 minutes to reach the palace. Why we should take risk? We can leave now right?" The maid slowly mentioned in pleading manner so other will not hear her.

But the great archer's ear didn't let her wish fulfil. He noticed that she was admiring a particular earring in that shop.

"If you decide the destination early, we could bring some money with us. So we could buy the things that we like" the girl said with a pout.

"Okay, it's fine. First I feel like to go to the temple but then I remember that before the day to swayamvar there is a special pooja in temple. So I decided to come here" she said with broad smile.

"We can leave now my friend. Don't be tensed" they about left the place as they saw a group of children who might be orphans dressed in filthy rags. Perhaps the word hungry can't accurately describe their grumbling.

The nearby food stalls were filled with unsold items but they were not willing to satisfy the little empty stomachs.

She was felt guilty. She is the princess of the kingdom who can't do anything now. She gazed at the group of children with guiltiness filled eyes.

Suddenly, the owner of the food stall gave the children seats and delicious food. It's something fishy there. The same group children were starving some moment ago, the foodstall's owners were neither notice them nor mercy at them but now they were treated like customers.

She moved towards the stall and stood behind the big tree. The same man who she greeted with her smile moments ago came there with bundles of clothes and foods with help of the stalls worker.

He seated beside a boy who about to finish his meal. The muscular man caressed hair of the boy in soothing manner. "Is this enough?" He asked as he read the mind of the boy.

The silence of the boy made Karn looked at the owners. They served more foods that Karn bought for the boys. Their hunger was satisfied by the delicious food.

"These are the clothes for you. If you guys are interested then you can join me" he said with smile.

They just hugged him tightly. They were orphans who don't even know the meaning of mercy, love, kind and humble. All the people treat them as the useless thing but today for the first time they saw a man who see them as a human being and most importantly the one who care about them.

Draupadi eventually attract towards him to only by his appearance but the pure heart. The humanity he had make build respect in her heart for him. "Who is he? Is he a commoner? But the glow on his face ...." her mind filled with so many unknown question.

"Can we move? There is only 10 minutes more" said Malini in hurry and broke the chain of thoughts of her beloved princess who stood there dumbfounded.

Thank you!

One more thing, is the title suit for my story?
Give me some ideas, please.

Let me know, how was the chapter in comment.

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