Crackling Fire

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Draupadi's eyes fluttered open to the faint crackling of the morning fire. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, her gaze met his. It was Karn, the man whose presence had occupied her thoughts since last night. She couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions, a mixture of surprise and curiosity, as she found herself face to face with him once again.

"Did I wake you?" Karn's voice broke the silence, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "Surprisingly, you're a light sleeper."

Draupadi shifted slightly under the blanket, feeling the warmth. Her senses heightened by the intimacy of their proximity, she became acutely aware of her own vulnerability, draped only in the thin veil of the blanket, while Karn stood before her in his white dhoti and angavastr.

With a soft chuckle, she replied, "Perhaps I was simply eager to greet the dawn, just as you were."

Karn, standing near the fireplace, reached out to add a few more logs to the crackling flames. "I thought it would be better to add some woods," he explained, his gaze meeting hers briefly before he continued, "I intend to go out for my morning prayer, and I wanted to ensure that the chamber would remain warm in my absence."

As Karn moved closer, Draupadi instinctively pulled the blanket closer to her chest, a sudden rush of self-consciousness washing over her. She sat up slightly, her cheeks flushing with color as she met his gaze.

Sensing her discomfort, Karn moved to sit beside her on the bed, his touch gentle as he reached out to pat her head reassuringly. "Are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice laced with concern. "It was a long night, and I fear I may have kept you awake with my restless thoughts."

Draupadi's heart fluttered at his touch, her cheeks growing even warmer at the memory of their shared intimacy. But as she looked into Karn's eyes, she found herself lost in the depths of his gaze, a silent acknowledgment passing between them of the unspoken bond that had formed between them in the quiet hours of the night.

And so, as they sat together in the flickering glow of the morning fire, their hearts entwined in a silent dance of longing and desire, Draupadi couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. For in Karn's presence, she found solace and comfort, a fleeting glimpse of the happiness that awaited them in the days to come.

As Karn's words caressed her ears, Draupadi felt a sense of reassurance wash over her. She nodded gently, allowing herself to lean into his affectionate gesture as he kissed her forehead tenderly.

"Sleep for a while, dear," he whispered softly, his voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the early morning. "It's still dark. I will be back after my morning prayer."

With a grateful smile, Draupadi watched as Karn rose from the bed, his form silhouetted against the flickering firelight. She couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as he made his way towards the entrance of their chamber, his figure disappearing into the darkness beyond.

As the sound of his footsteps faded into the distance, Draupadi allowed herself to sink back into the warmth of their bed, the soft embrace of the blanket cocooning her in a sense of comfort and security. 

As Draupadi closed her eyes, she couldn't help but recall the tender moments they had shared just hours before. The warmth of Karn's touch, the intensity of his gaze, and the whispered words of affection that had passed between them lingered in her mind like a sweet, intoxicating dream.

Her cheeks flushed with color as she remembered the way Karn's lips had brushed against her skin, igniting a fire within her that she had never known before. The memory of their shared passion filled her with a sense of exhilaration, a longing for the intimate connection they had forged in the darkness of the night.

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