On the swing of love

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Arjun tried his best to recall. Arjun's nerves alert him and ordered him to move as a sudden sound came from the opposite direction of him.

Arjun tiptoed to prevent noise and hid behind the bush. The darkness of night and nature itself was in his favor The bright full moon was surrounded by the pass clouds.

He guessed that the group of men in black returned. This time he just wanted to know what is their plan. Who are they? Why they've decorated this particular area? Arjun's mind stopped thinking as he sensed the same intoxicating fragrance of new blossomed blue lotus from the exact direction he heard a sound.

"Is she here now? How responsible she is? Middle of the jungle at this night" he thought.

The sound becomes closer to him. He tilted the bush with a broad smile to see his beloved maiden. He planned to approach her and tell them what he exactly feels for her not from the day he saw her but before it, on the day itself when he saw her in his nightmare. He mentally prepared himself to open up to her.

His smile vanished at the moment he saw her with Karn, her rightful husband who closed her doe eyes with his palms.

The couple reached the place which was decorated with various kinds of flowers by the group of men some moments ago.

The beauty in white took a deep breath and the result of it, her pinkish-red lips curled into a charming smile.

"The fragrance is so soothing. It's very therapeutic" she made known.

"I agree but not as yours," he said huskily made her cheeks heat up. His hot breath fanned against her ear and neck. She moved her face in another direction and buried her face in his crook of the neck as she couldn't bear the tickle caused by his hot breath.

He can't do anything other than admire her adorable antics. At the same time, she inhaled his manly musk fragrance. The aroma made her system stunned. A different kind of fragrance which she doesn't feel before. The proximity between them made their natural fragrance mix. Their surroundings filled with their mesmerizing scent.

Karn made her sit on the swing and removed his palms. She slowly blinked open her eyes. The fire-born princess was in the extreme of confusion.

"You did this arrangement, don't you?" She asked as she slowly touched the rope of swing. She slowly lost in her world.

"Do you like it?" He asked her as he doesn't have any idea about her thoughts and feeling at the moment.

"Of course. But why do I feel like I have already been in this kind of place?" She asked as Arjun's eyes grew bigger.

Even he felt like that. Is she getting dreams like him? Arjun's confirmed that there was a connection between her and him.

"Is it?" Karn asked softly as he pushed the swing slightly. She gave him a shy smile as the swing moved forward. The bucket of flowers on the top tilted when the swing came to the real position again. An unnatural flower rain drenched her abruptly.

He pushed the swing once again as she giggled wholeheartedly.

Arjun remembered the swing in second the flower started to fall. The first time he saw her in his dream was exactly like this. He saw her sitting on the same kind of swing in the garden.

When the swing stopped her breath came in short pants. Her black orbs locked with the brown ones.

"Did fully enjoy it before, princess?" He smiled at her mischievously.

"No," she said as lowered her gaze to the ground. Karn just wanted to make her happy and lastly, he completed his task.

"Can I say something?" She asked after her breath become normal.

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