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Before she could think something else, Karn came to her and gave her a pack.

"What is this?" she asked softly.

"Clothes princess. Well I mean it's a lehenga for you. There is also bathing cloth in it" he said as she lost in her own thoughts.

"And what is this?" she asked while pointing at the container.

"Sandalwood paste and haldi. Will you bath without that?" He said smilingly.

"Well planned" she said while looking deep into his eyes.

"Princess, now come with me. I will accompany you to the river as its dark already."

"I know you have lot of question. I will answer you once you fresh up" he when she opened her mouth to say something.

She simply nodded and follow him. There reached the place in some minutes.

"You take bath here. In same time, I will fresh up in some distance. I am pretty sure that I will finish my bath before you do" he chuckled at her.

She stood there silently. She can't find any words in that moment. 

"Princess, be safe. I will be here only. If anything needed, call me and don't take much time as its already dark" he said concernedlly.

"Don't worry I will not take much time and you also be safe" she said smilingly.

Karn went away to give her privacy. Even though she is his wife, he can't do anything without her concern.


Arjun had his dinner before the sunset as he decided to sleep early. He fell into the deep slumber. The same black eyes beauty in baby pink lehenga with some golden ornaments stood in garden. The skin glowed under the moonlight.

Her maid came to her. ' What happen Princess? Why are you waiting here even without taking your dinner?' her maid asked her.

"I am here because I know my Savyasachi will come here. It's been twelve years. I don't even get any moment to spend with him. He gave excuse on the first day when he returned from forest. One week past as I didn't approach him in order to give some time to his new bride" she explained.

"Have a good time with him Princess" her maid smilingly left the place.

She turned as she heard some sound. She hid herself behind the tree in the garden. Her cheeks heated up. Her naturally pink cheeks turned into deep shade of scarlet as she thought about her husband. The different glow on her face made her angle in garden. Goosebumps on her body and cool wind made her body shiver.

She tried to calm herself and came out from her hideout. Her face lost the glow as she saw her husband not only her husband but his new bride. They were in garden. He hugged her close to his chest.

Tears came out from her lotus eyes. She ran towards her chamber. She locked herself in chamber and leaned against the door. What is her sin? Why? the tears were unstoppable.

The pain is unbearable for her. How could see her love with other person? There is no other pain like that.

The teary face flashed in Arjun mind. He opened his eyes as tears streamed down on his eyes. He could feel her pain. The pain happened when see our love with others.

He stood up. The continuous nightmare about her. About his love. He tried his best to forget her but the nightmares made him thinks about her. His mind didn't move an inch apart from her.

He started to walk aimlessly in the jungle. What is really happening with me? Did all this happen in past? Why I get all this nightmares? His mind restlessly searched for answer. There is must be a connection between her and him.

All the questions haunted his mind. His throat burned. He searched for water. After some moments of walking he ended up in river bank.

The sound of water flow was very soothing. For a moment he forgot all his sorrow. He sat on the river bank as he put his leg into the river. The river water reached his knee.

He closed his eyes. The picture of black eyes beauty flashed in his mind.


Panchali changed into the white bathing cloth. She removed her heavy jewelries. The moment the golden ornaments left her body she felt relieved. It's a difficult task for her to carry all the ornaments on her body. 

She undid her braid. The wind played with her boundless long dark tress. A charming smile appeared o her pink lips as she saw her own reflection on the water. Just a day, everything changed in her life. She is not the same princess now. She was married. The vermilion proudly took a place on her scalp to make everyone know that she is now belongs to someone else. 

The river water shone in silver colour under the moonlight. She dipped her toe in river to check the temperature. The river water was very cold indeed as its already night. She opened the containers after dipped herself into the river. It's contains the sandalwood paste and haldi for one person. She smiled abruptly.

"When does he planned all this? Very clever indeed" she said to herself and rubbed the haldi and sandalwood paste on her flawless skin.

It is the first experience for her. She never bath in river before. For the first time she is in the jungle. She has some experience of sneaked out from the palace but for the first time she is adoring the beauty of nature while bathing in river.

She washed her body as she told him that she will not take much time. Her cheeks heated up as she recalled her moments with him. The way he mocked her. The jungle, river which shone under the moonlight made her lost in her own dreamland.

It's just been two and half month since her birth. First her father doesn't understand her and kicked out from the palace for oppose his decision. The same day she met with her friend, Krishna. He is the one who made her father understand her value, value of daughter.

The memorable days with her twin brother, sister and friends, her maids in reality. Some of the days were passed as the preparation of her swayamvar in full swing. Krishna's arrival his advices. She saw him, the same person whom now her husband when she sneaked out from her palace for the last time. She was attracted towards him abruptly. Towards his nature and good character to be precise. To be frank, she desired to be his wife even though she doesn't anything about him. All the woman is same in this case. All of them are actually craving for little bit of love and respect. That's all what they need. 

Although, she is a born princess but in reality she is also her woman who merely craving for love and respect. Every girl has an own dream about their future and she no exception. She controlled herself somehow as she knew that anything will happen in her swayamvar. She can't deny her fate and to protect her father's dignity she mentally prepared herself to be a wife of whoever won the competition.

Swayamvar, most exciting and scaring day of her whole life. Many pairs of lust filled eyes, the awkward situation which she can't do anything with it. Even Duryodhan proposed that Karn will participate in swayamvar behalf of him. Most importantly, her husband's humiliation by the fanatic prince of Hastinapur. Her face lost the glow as she recalled the moment. 

Fortunately, without any hesitation and fear she took stand for him. Caste is nothing compares to someone's nature and good character. We can't choose our caste. It's called fate but someone get the good character from their parents. The way they raised their children.

Her lips curved into a smile as she remembered his broad smile while gazing at her some moments before hitting the target.

"How could he do that?" she asked herself smilingly in subconscious state. 

The night of that day unknown happiness occurred her. She fell into deep slumber as soon as she laid herself on her bed. She was very tired on that day as she carried heavy ornaments.

The happiest day of her life is going to end in some more hour. There is no doubt, she likes him but he won her heart on the moment when he came to her and ask her to travel with him in same chariot.

"How did he read my mind?" she stated in confusing tone.


Hello everyone!
How was the chapter? Panchali is lost herself in her husband's thoughts.
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