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Kunti's face lost glow as she knew that, he is none other than her first born, Karn. She knew it when she saw the armour and earring in the arena of duel in Hastinapur. The same one given by Lord of Sun himself.

"We are in great danger, if he identified us then we will be caught" said Arjun as a whisper so no one will hear him.

"So be casual, don't give him the chance to identify us" said Bheem.

They tried their best to hide their faces. The generosity of the King of Ang witnessed by the prince of Hastinapur.

"How did he get this good habit? Is he just a son of charioteer? Even the royals also don't donate like this" asked Bheem in curiosity.

"No one can defeat him in this matter" stated the Dharmaraj.

"But how can he be a son of charioteer? His armour, earring, this donating habit and the top of this the glow on his face, tell us another story, aren't they?" Nakul said as he admired his eldest brother subconsciously.

"Even though he spent this much to donate but he looks simple as before" Sahadev said as he looked at his attire.

Karn just present there in white dhoti and a white color shawl wrapped around his muscular chest as he just finished his morning prayer.

"The man who donate and do charity for other well-being will not spent for their own" the elder one stated with his usual tone with a smile.

"We must make move before we caught" Kunti said. She just wanted to change the topic right now. She can't bear the guiltiness. She tried a lot to forget that phase of her life but how can she forget that?

He is the one who made her feel the motherhood for the first time. He is her first born. First is always remain as first. No one can forget the first experience. She also an ordinary human being like others. Everyone commit mistake. She did that without aware of consequences.

The princess from other kingdom came out from their special tent to see the king of Ang. They moved towards Karn as they introduce themselves.

 It's like they attracted to him. His brown orbs just enough to make any woman lose herself for him. The dark locks, the brown eyes, the glow on his divine face, perfect jaw line, broad chest and the top of this the radiation around him made the girls threw themselves on him.

But  he is not same man like others. He respects woman from bottom of his heart because he knew that there's no man without woman.

Karn politely greet them. It's obvious he is not interested in them. He just moved towards the commoners who present there and gave them gold coins, clothes and foods as much he can.

They blessed him wholeheartedly. Kunti felt happy for him. ' My blessing always with you my son' she mumbled to herself.

They left the place before anyone notice them. Kunti gave a glance at her first born before left the place.


It's been one month after Draupadi's birth. She happily spent her time with her small friends. Even though, she has the basic knowledge but she has to learn about the world. She is very innocent to this cruel world.

Her skills polished day by day. All of the problem has been solved. After the incident Drupad become a protective father to her. No matter what, he will stand by her and her decision. Her happiness is his happiness.

After the training, she retreated to her chamber. The confused look occurred her face. All of the maid keep moving here and there. Her chamber filled with new dresses and golden ornaments.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. Her sister looking at her smilingly.

"What is this sister?" she asked softly.

"The preparation of your swayamvar darling" she said affectionaly.

"What is the hurry for my swayamvar?" she asked as disappointment clearly visible in her voice.

"Sakhi, your swayamvar is very important for the future of aryavart" Krishna said in his divine voice.

Draupadi looked into his lotus eyes.

"You are feeling bad for your family right?" her friend said as he sat on the swing in balcony.

"How do you know? Yes. I am not afraid of marriage but it's just been a month. I don't even understand them completely. Don't you think it's very early to leave them?" she said hurriedly.

"No dear, sometime we must accept the fate and go with the flow. What did I say that day, we must do our job without expecting any benefit. Then only you will get its fruit" he said with small smile.

"Okay. I will accept everything happily but promise me you will be remain as my friend always"

"You no need to ask for this, I will be always with you" he said as he held her hand in assuring manner.

"So, can we send invitation to other kingdom?" Drupad asked with smile as he entered his beloved daughter chamber.

Draupadi's natural pink cheeks turned into dark shade of pink. In reality she was excited about her swayamvar. It was a mixed feeling. The excitement and the nervous as well.

Drupad handed a white scroll to Krishna. It was the first invitation of her swayamvar.

"Don't worry sakhi, I will not participate in your swayamvar. I want to give this golden opportunity to others" he said with a smirk, making her cheeks turned into deep shape of scarlet.

"Don't tease my sister this much" said her elder sister with simple smile.

"Come all of you, there is lot of chores" said Drupad.

All of them departure to continue their work, leaving the friends behind.

"Whom I should choose Govind?" she asked in confused tone. She was hell confused about this. So many question occurred her mind. Who will win the competition? Will the one take good care of her? Will good with her? Will he respect her? If anything happened oppositely, what will she do? How can she overcome?

"Don't worry, you are fire bon. Soon you will know whom you destined with. Don't confuse yourself" he said as he broke the chain of thought of his friend.

She gave him her charming smile. "Govind, you always make me feel peaceful"

"Obviously. It's main duty of friend dear" he said in assuring tone.

"Sakhi, I will come here before two days to your swayamvar. I have important work to complete"

"Okay Govind, I understand" she said as she already lost herself in thought of her future husband.

After sometime, Govind left Panchal for his own works. Draupadi can't even close her eyes. She felt nervous. In two weeks she going to be wife of an unknown person. The thoughts haunted her mind. However, she fell into deep slumber after lot of thoughts.


In other hand, the Pandavas reached the hermitage of Maharishi Vyasa. They all confused about the future. What will happen next? Where will they go after this? Their life become aimless.

"We must ask help from Madhav" said Arjun. After hear the name of Krishna, all of their faces turned bright in confident.

In the same time, they all had nightmare about the black eyes beauty but they didn't convey to others. Arjun's state is very pitiful among all of them.

He had nightmare frequently. Same black orbs beauty but in different places and different state. However, he enjoyed his nightmare very much. It's very real as all the things are really happened in his life.

They all lost themselves in their own thoughts. They came out from their thought as a man said that Krishna will be there tomorrow.

They all felt relieved and their faces brighten after the happy news.

Thank you!

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