Daughter of yagna

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"If I done all my duty with wholehearted and If l am being loyal to my husbands, then in this restart I wish to be the only one who make decision in my life and Krishna don't forget your sakhi even though she forget you" she said her last wish with small smile on her lips and doze off peacefully.

"Granted!" a divine voice stated in the slow tone so no one can't hear.


Draupadi blinked open her lotus eyes. She felt chilly wind hit her body. Her natural blue lotus fragrance mingle with the wind and make the place fill with her soothing fragrant. She dark orbs can anyone surrender to her. The lengthy dark eye lashes adorned her doe eyes. Her sharp cute nose perfectly matched her divine face. The soft pink lips which curved into a smile can easily make someone to forget their problems. The long neck and perfect structure and the curves of her make her epitome of beauty. The dark long curly tress of her, make other jealous. She is nothing less than the goddess. Perfect combination of all, very rare creation made by the almighty.

She elegantly walked up to the rishis and bow down to take blessing from them. They blessed her and introduced her family.

She saw her brother who has same complexion as her with a sword. She greeted her father in polite tone and bow down slowly to touch his feet to take blessing from him. Unexpectedly, he moved backwards. He simply ignored her and climb up the chariot with his son. The chariot moved forward as Draupadi dumbfounded.

She felt someone's hand on the right shoulder. The hand's owner is none other than Shikandhini. She hugged Draupadi in assured manner and make her sit on the chariot. The chariot stopped as they reach their destiny.

It was main palace of Panchal. Draupadi go in while observing her surroundings. A smile played on the lips as she saw small girls enjoy with their friends and play with rabbits and peacocks happily. Her elder sister didn't miss the charming smile of Yagnaseni.

The question filled dark orbs looked at Shikadhini. "It's childhood, that you didn't had, dear" she said while gave her cute smile.

"Go and prepare for princess's special bath" the elder girl ordered one of the maid. "Take bath, I will see you dear" she walked away as she guide her younger sister.

All the maid very numb to interact with their new princess. How will she react? Is she will be rude as other princess? What will happened if she didn't satisfy with our service? the question haunted the maids.

The soft voice make their chain of thoughts broke. "Why you all staring at me like these? Am I like ghost or demon?" she asked as a chuckle left her mouth.

The maids face brimming with relief. "Sorry your highness" a maid try to broke the silence.

"Sorry is a very powerful word, don't waste it on the silly things" Panchali said in slow tone.

The maids felt blessed to have princess like her, very polite and humble. They helped her to take bath. The smell of sandal, milk and the essence they choose for their beloved princess make that particular area in palace filled with soothing smell.

After sacred bath, they make her wear a sandal color lehenga with golden embroidery work on it. The combination of color suit with her complexion which make her heavenly beautiful.

The simple yet beautiful golden ornaments and the jasmines adorned her long dark beautiful tress make her breathtakingly beautiful.

A small girl possibly daughter of the maid run towards Draupadi with smile. She is the one who played happily in garden. She handed Draupadi a beautiful wooden box.

Draupadi received it with confusion look. She slowly opened the wooden box. Her gaze fell on the beautiful pair of anklet.

"It's for you, dear" Her elder sister voice came from the doorway. She made her younger sister wear the golden anklet. "Perfect" she said as she achieved something.

"Let's go to the temple first" she mentioned as she decided already.

Draupadi just nodded and walked out from her chamber. Before reach the temple, both of the sisters saw their father and brother are planning and discuss about the war strategies.

"How can it happen without me? I am the commander" said the elder one as she walked up to the chamber. When Draupadi follows her, she gesture her to wait.

After the sometimes Shikandhini came out of the chamber with tear filled eyes. She said that she is not a commander of the army anymore, the position given to her brother just because he is a male.

Draupadi walked in and opposed her father's decision bravely. "How can you give the commander post to him without any valuable reason father?" she asked with confident as she know there's nothing wrong in it.

But male ego of her father didn't let him think. "How can you question me like this? Don't you have any manners? That's why I hate daughters" he said in one breathe as his voice filled with hatred.

"Don't I have any rights to question in this matter father" she asked in confused tone.

"You don't have rights to question me in any matter. Do you understand?" He shouted at his top of the voice.

"Then why you want to have me as your daughter" she asked as pain filled her voice and eyes.

"I don't want to have any daughter, I just want to have a son. But you were given to me forcefully by the gods" he said in same hatred filled tone.

"Then I don't want to be a burden to you father" she said as a small sad smile played on her pink rosy lips.

"Then get out of the palace, no one going to stop you" he said while looking at other direction. He waited for her voice as he know she will ask question again or will ask for forgiveness.

In opposite the pin drop silence filled the room. He understood that she left the palace before he ask her to get out.

Draupadi randomly choose a path and finally she end up in the river. She sat on the stone as she felt tired after a long walk. Her heart ached more than her legs. 

What is her fault in this? She just raise voice for her own sister. It's not fair to ignore someone based on gender. Tears left her lotus eyes as she recalled the past events.

She turned back as she heard sound of horse.

Hey guys! How was the chapter.
Let me know in comment. Sorry for late update.


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