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"Hey..sorry.. I forgot something princess" he uttered when Draupadi about to entangled herself from his cloak. He made his way to the nearby rock, the perfect chair at the moment. He dipped his foot in chilly water.

Confusion marred Draupadi's feature.
'What happened? Why he is sitting here? What he meant by forgot something? Wait! He said that we must go there before missing the sight so what he meant by sight? I am here, on the riverbank to take bath, nothing special right? D..did he mentioned that by sight? Is here to witness my bathing? Draupadi! He is not like that. After all, he is a true gentleman. What if your stupid mind is correct?' the chain of thoughts grew bigger in her mind. Even though she likes and loves him, but the insecurities, hesitation, fear all are present in her.

Her doe eyes become wider while her hands traveled towards her chest and clenched the cloak tightly.

"Princess, come here" the gentleness in his voice increased as he read her mind by her reaction which her face held and action abruptly sensed her uneasiness about that. He motioned his hand to come near.

She slowly came near to him while her eyes glued on the shallow area of water. "I don't have any other options, he is my husband. If he wants something I should give him. I can't oppose him. I should perform my duty as a wife correctly" she thought. He went near her ear. He huskily asked her.

"Don't you think that bit too much to assume me like that?" Humour laced in his manly voice.

Her mouth hung open while her eyes frequently moved here and there as she has couldn't meet his gaze directly. The language betrayed her as she couldn't find any words at the moment.

"Th.. that' noth.. nothing like..tha.. that..she continued while stammering in both fear and embarrassment but didn't pay attention to it. He was busy with his work, boring eyes into her. He came back to reality as he witnessed the fear in her dark orbs, a perfect mirror of her inner feelings.

He placed his index finger on her soft delicate lips which made her stop abruptly. "Shh" he hushed while searching something in her doe eyes. He was sitting on the rock while she standing in front of him like a guilty person so he downed his head. His finger which he placed on her lips traveled towards her chin and lifted to get a clear picture of her beautiful face.

His other arm snaked around her waist, pulled her more closer to him a little bit harshly.

"Why I am discerning that in you eyes princess?" He tried his best to sound normal but unfortunately, his voice laced with unusual coldness.

"What..what you are looking at my eyes?" She asked as her melodious voice filled with curiosity just like her heart.

"Fear, fear for me" he made known. "I hate it, I hate to see you afraid of anything and now your eyes are holding fear for me. Why?" The pressure he used on the sentence wasn't the usual one. The sentence rang in her ears clearly without any flaw.

"Hmm.. first I thought something irrelevant about you, then you asked me like you already knew what I thought, so I was scared. I don't know how would your reaction will be in this case exactly"

"No matter what Neither for me nor anything," he uttered the words while increasing grip on her waist, showing his discomfort of her action cleverly. The tone he used just enough to convey that is not a request but an order. The words held a massive intensity which made her froze in her place.

"And I don't care about your false assumption regarding me. Am I a clear princess?" The coldness was gone after her confession and the usual calm tone perfectly matched his voice this time like always.

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