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On the other side, Pandavas slightly opened their eyes. The morning rays hid their eyes purposely.

"It seems we sleep much longer than usual" their elder brother stated as he looked at the sun.

"Good morning children. Go and take bath, we can have our breakfast afterward" she said in a cheerful tone.

After escaping from the wax palace, they disguise themselves as brahmins to hide the truth from the cruel prince of Hastinapur and his uncle.

They take bath in the nearby river and have breakfast with their mother. They started their routine. Bheem and Nakul went to the deep forest to search for some firewoods and something usable.

While the others stay with their mother. Bheem and Nakul reach their hut as an hour passed already.

The sound of chariots and horses makes them more alert. They left their hut by using the backdoor. They're not scared but they have their mother with them. What if anything happened to her? They can't digest that. The protective sided out.

They are ready with their weapon. Bheem's hand wrapped around his mace. Arjun gestures to him to calm down.

It was the soldier of an arrogant prince of Hastinapur. If they fight with them then their truth will reveal to the world. So, they just moved back as they saw the troop of soldiers come towards them.

By god's grace, there was a group of brahmins who moved towards the temple. They merged into the group to hide. They succeed in their mission indeed.

It seems there's a festival on going in the temple. Various people from many countries were present there. Being princes by birth, they easily found out the differences between commoners and the royals.

Some princess is playing with the colors. Their giggling reached the ears of the great archer. His dark hazel orbs him locked with the brown eyes as the beauty in the pink lehenga hit him accidentally.

"Sorry" she uttered as she bites her tongue. Arjun smiled at her cuteness, but before he could ask her something she ran away from him. Arjun stands there dumbfounded.

"Strange," said Nakul as put his hand on Arjun's shoulder. The smirk on Nakul's face made Arjun blush lightly. His cheek turns a light shade of scarlet.

"It's nothing like you think, It was just an accident," said Arjun in a serious tone just to tease Nakul. Nakul's face lost the glow as he heard Arjun's serious voice.

From nowhere the other brothers also came here and started to laugh harder. In return, Nakul's face turned a deep shade of scarlet due to the embarrassment.

"Don't tease him" their mother stated as she tried her level best to control her laughter.

"Can we stay here for two days, mom?" Asked the elder brother

"Sure, I heard there is a place to stay for the commoners who join the festival" she replied.

They all nodded and move towards the temple. Their mother prayed for her children's well-being. The management of the festival gave free food to everyone. After food, they all sat under the tree all of them admiring the view of the sunset.

The sellers shut their shops and slowly the festival spot become silent. The members of the royal family went to the special place which was made for them.

Only the sound of insects rang in Pandavas'' ears. They have to look for the last time, after making sure is no danger to their mom. They all lay on the grass.

They shut their eyes as they try their best to sleep. They fell into a deep slumber as they were tired due to the long walk. Tare are are are are are hey already exhausted by the morning event. The goddess of sleep graces them wholeheartedly.

The face of dark orbs of beauty flashed in Arjun's dream. The eyes he saw in the morning are indeed beautiful but this one is something more than that. They doe-shaped eyes of her made him drift into another world. He enjoyed his dream as he saw the epitome of beauty. Even though the face is not visible but the dark orbs captivate him easily.

It's like a lady sitting on the swing in a flower-filled garden. Look like an apsara from heaven.

Unknown happiness filled Arjun's heart as he heard the le of the dark eyes' beauty.

The long tress and the dark orbs are the things that he can see clearly. It's like he had seen these dark orbs and long tress before. Without having a clear picture, he can say that she is the most beautiful lady in the world.

A cute smile appeared on the corner of his lips as he enjoyed his nightmare. The tiredness made him unconscious. But subconsciously, his brain captured the picture of the dark orbs and long tress beauty.

Not only Arjun but all the Pandavas brothers had a dream about her.

She is so familiar with them. Even though they don't know and didn't see her before, they could feel different kinds of feelings sing.

Her giggles were so soothing. They wanted to her smile and giggle like that always.

There's no link between them and the long tress beauty but her divine face made them forget all their problems and sorrow.

Something drove them crazy. They don't want to wake up as they knew she will disappear from their sight if they do so.

Bheem's reaction changed as he saw the same girl who giggles a while ago, sitting in the corner of the room.

She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in them.

The door opened and the light peeped in the chamber. That was him who opened the door.

She lifts her face. Her beautiful face was flushed red. Maybe in anger but at the same time tears stream down her cheeks.

He could see grief in her eyes, untold sorrow, maybe be something beyond that.

He moved towards herself. An unknown feeling occurred to him when he gazed at her bruised face.

Wounded shoulder, torn saree, her dark long tress was hung open. Her arms filled with scratches.

She was messy. His eyes filled with tears. He can't see her in this state.

Her lips parted. He expected her to say something about the reason for her current state but his heart skipped a beat as she asked him 'Why?' in a pain-filled voice while fresh tears come out from her lotus eyes.

Bheem can't control himself. He woke up abruptly and started to think about his nightmare.

"Only one word. Why did she ask that? Is it me who is responsible for her state?" he asked himself in a confused tone.

How is it? Let me know in the comment.


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