New morning

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The great archer of Aryavart cautiously picked the delicate material of lehenga and suitable golden ornaments which he chose for his beloved wife himself. His rough hands handled the jiggling  jewelries in slow motion as he doesn't want to wake up the girl who sleeps soundly in the same room. Each and every time when he took out the ornaments he turned his head towards direction of bed to make sure her sleep isn't disturbed.

Karn sighed with a charming smile. He ruffled his soft locks. The droplets dripped from his hair as he took bath some moments ago. He wrapped the white cloak around his chest properly and turned to see the most beautiful maiden he has ever seen. He planned to start their journey in dawn but after witnessing her sleeping peacefully he changed his plan. After all he has promised to fullfil her desire and needs at the vows taking moment in their marriage.

"I never did this before, not even though that I will choose something for someone in my own but made me do so love" he whispered to himself.

His happiness was beyond the limits for the past few days. He never got what he desired or something he deserved and the reason is cast. People's worthless opinion in this matter can't be avoided. So many innocents become a prey of their immature thoughts and mindset and he is not any exception for it. After so many discrimination he literally gave up on explaining people about the right way of handle something. He just accepted what he gets without any denial even though he doesn't deserve it both technically and logically.

He was frustrated when he heard some arrogant prince's comment on his presence in the swayamvar. They weren't pleased the idea of giving invitation for Karn but the elderly king of Panchal doesn't have any problem with the cast or other unwanted personal issue of someone. So he just sent him an invitation like he did for other princes and Kings.

The frustration vanished into the thin air at the moment his gaze bored into her. The fragile form of hers in the royal garden. Her presence nothing less than a blessing from the Almighty. The aura around her, simply will make anyone in the depth of miseries, forget all of their problems and worries. Same goes with him. His mind corrupted and became blank like some kind of spell casted on him. Her petite figure plastered on his heart with the giggles.

His eyes yearned for see her for rest of the life. Ears were only functioning for hear her melodious yet soft voice. His system asked him to go near her as the fragrance of fresh bloom blue lotus took control of his system. Every part of him craved for her not because of the lust. He is not an ordinary male to attract towards a beautiful woman. The reason is beyond to be described in words. The strange feeling was new ti him. He never experienced it before. She is not an usual maiden but something else. She is pure, innocent, beautiful, divine and many more.

He never knew that she also had feeling for him until Arjun jumps into the scene. His heart ached badly when some intolerable words made way from Arjun's mouth. He never expected this in his life. He thought that he is an opponent or many a rival for Arjun in archery. He used to say that not every royals are same, there is also some kind hearted people by witnessing the Pandava's approach towards the commoners but he felt that he was wrong at the moment Arjun finished with his speech. He understood that every royals are same in the end of day. The royals always claim that their blood is pure, blood hold the pride and dignity. Whenever he hears this kind of terms his father's words will be rang in his ears to soothe his pain in his heart. "No matter how pure is your blood but it is matter how pure is your heart. Purity in heart is better than purity of blood".

However he didn't hear his father's on that day. In opposite the soft yet stern voice of her fell in his ears. She took his side without any hesitation. She made him fell for her once again by her brave move. In some fraction of second he forgot the discrimination by Arjun. The pain in his heart not soothed like his father words did before but the pain was vanished from there like nothing happened. She is really something else. The biggest achievement achieved by the god by creating her.

His chain of thoughts broke by her soft moan before lifting her eye lids. His legs made their way towards her direction. His couldn't take his gaze away from her as her lips slightly twitched into a small yet cute smile.
The morning breeze came in through the wooden window without permission made her natural bangs fell on her beautiful and the perfect mask of serenity. The smile grew bigger as she felt the chilly wind.

She body moved and she hummed softly as she escaped from the deep slumber. Karn couldn't help it, he trace his finger down her cheek. The cheek turned into light shade of scarlet as she inexperienced to that.
Draupadi softly opened her doe eyes by feeling the warmth near her body. Due to the sharp rays she closed her eyes immediately. Karn blocked the rays from reaching her face by his big hand.

"Good morning love" the soft voice made Draupadi looked into his face while smiling. Her expression changed abruptly.

"Arya...I am late.. so late.." she sat on crossed legs in a jerk. She stopped as Karn put his index finger on her delicate lips motioning her to stop.

"Your are not at all late dear. It's just a perfect timing. You wake up on the correct time. Go and take bath, I will do my morning prayers nearby" he said while boring his gaze into her.

The intensity of his gaze increased to every second. She lowered her eyes due to the shy. That's when she saw the cloak he wore yesterday wrapped around her.

"Arya..?" She called him questioningly

"Princess, here is your dress. Come on let's go before we miss the sight" he exclaimed, made her even more confused.

She picked the fabric bag and stood up. Karn stopped her when she about to remove his cloak.

"It's okay you can give me that once you change into new dress" he said. She just nodded her head.

"Shall we?" He asked playfully as he stretched out his hand to her.

"Yes" she placed her delicate palm on his rough one. They came out form the hut and made their way towards the river.

His arm snaked around her slender waist protectively. "Have you sleep well?" She asked him.

"Yes, you?" He shot back.

"Yes,.after so many days, I had a good sleep. If you had a good sleep why did you woke up and took bath?"

"Princess, I used to wake up early in the morning. That's my routine but I swear I dozed off after you" she smiled in response

"Reached. Have a good bath dear. Call me if anything needed. I will be here only. Okay?" He said when she about to ask something.

"Okay. I will call you once I am done" she said.

"Don't take so much time love" he left her after kissed her in temples lovingly.


Hello everyone! Hope all of you doing good. Really sorry for my late update. I really don't want to make you all wait but unfortunately there is really some important work for me. Lastly I finished all of it. So here is the update after long time.

I think after this, there is a big chance to get regular update but I am not sure cent percent. I will definitely let you know.

Don't forget to vote and comments.
Take care.and bye❤️❤️❤️

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