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Draupadi opened her eyes to the shifting hues of the evening sky, a canvas painted in shades of purple and pink, tinged with the fading light of the setting sun. Despite the breathtaking beauty before her, a faint pang of loneliness tugged at her heart as she realized Karn was not by her side.

She sighed softly, her thoughts drifting to the man she loved with every fiber of her being. Karn's unwavering dedication and tireless commitment to his duties never ceased to amaze her. Even in moments of respite, his mind was consumed by the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.

As she rose from her bed and made her way to the window, Draupadi found herself lost in contemplation. How busy must Karn be, she wondered, to remain absent even now, when the day had begun to wane? The thought of him toiling away in service of their kingdom filled her with a mixture of pride and concern.

With a resigned smile, Draupadi turned her gaze back to the ever-changing sky, finding solace in its tranquil beauty. 

As Draupadi lost herself in the ethereal beauty of the sky, her thoughts scattered like clouds drifting across the horizon. But the gentle knock on her chamber door pulled her back to the present, accompanied by the soft voices of her maids.

"It's time for your bath, Princess," they informed her, their words breaking through the tranquility of the evening. With a nod of acknowledgment, Draupadi followed her attendants to the snanagar, the bathing chamber adorned with fragrant flowers and flickering candles.

Stepping into the warm embrace of the water, Draupadi felt the cares of the day melt away, replaced by a sense of serenity and renewal. Her maids attended to her with gentle hands, pouring milk infused with the scent of sandalwood over her skin and adorning her hair with aromatic oils and essence of flowers.

After the long bath, Draupadi emerged from the water, her skin glowing with a radiant luminosity. She dressed herself in a simple yet elegant baby blue lehenga, its silver border gleaming in the soft light of the chamber. The odhni she draped over her shoulders matched the hue of her attire, its semi-transparent fabric adding a touch of ethereal grace to her appearance.

With the assistance of her maids, Draupadi adorned herself with auspicious jewelry, each piece shimmering with an inner radiance. A long pearly chain encircled her neck, its lustrous pearls reflecting the flickering candlelight. Her hair, braided loosely in the traditional style, cascaded down her back like a cascade of silk, adorned with jasmine flowers arranged in a delicate garland.

Even without heavy makeover and jewelries, Draupadi's natural beauty shone like a beacon, her features illuminated by an inner glow that transcended mere mortal elegance. 

"Princess, you look absolutely radiant," one of the maids exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Yes, like a goddess descended from the heavens," another chimed in, her words echoing the sentiments of them all.

"You all telling this to me from the first day," said Draupadi  to her maids from Panchal.

"Yet this glow is different Princess....... Nope, Maharani!" mentioned Keerthi with an endless giggle.

Draupadi couldn't help it as her cheeks turned into crimson in no time. She smiled at their words, grateful for their kind compliments. Their praise was like a balm to her soul, lifting her spirits and filling her heart with a sense of joy and contentment.

"Thank you, my dear friends," she replied warmly, her voice tinged with humility. "Your efforts have made me feel truly blessed."

"Don't fool us with your thanks Princess! Tell us what's the reason behind the sudden glow?," her maids made her situation vulnarable to the end.

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