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In Hastinapur

The wind was unusually calm and strong as it was the start of the autumn season. The lengthy, costly silk-made curtains permit the breeze with the dull daylight to peep into their master's room.

Arjun has still cuddled to his pillows as he had a peaceful slumber last night after some days together as he felt assured after glimpsing his cousin whose smile can simply make someone's heart becomes lighter.

Arjun slowly tried to open his eyes and abruptly close while using his hand as a barrier to prevent daylight.

"This much of light. It must be going to afternoon. I am late" he hummed to himself and went to the bathroom. He let the chilly water-drenched every inch of his skin while thinking about the events of the past few days. He could feel the sudden transformation in his routine. Her presence, merely a glimpse made him fell over the head for her. It's natural to get attracted to something in the opposite. Just like men attracted towards women. Infatuation can be felt with anybody but not love.

He fell for her at the moment he saw her in the nightmare where her face was blurry. The dream empire he built for her, for them was collapsed at the moment Karn hit the target effortlessly where he was distracted by the reddened tearful same lotus eyes which made him taste the failure miserably. The events he witnessed in the night forest made his soul burnt in guilt, anguish, sorrow, and so on. The mixture of feelings swallowed him alive.

His body temperature decreased by the chilly colorless liquid that ran through his physique, while the weight on his heart increased as he reminisced the tragic events. The impulse sent by his brain made his eyelids lift and carried him to reality.

He came out from both his trance and bathroom. He selected a white dhoti with golden lining and matching angavastra with an identical design. The big mirror held his reflection. There are neither dark circles under his eyes nor the streak of tears. He wore the ornaments which were significant to him. The famous neckpiece and bracelet were gifted by the oldest member of his lineage. He didn't go for his crown as it's already late and the court must be ended by that time.

His uncombed thick curly locks were merely ruffled by his long fingers. Just like that. The perfect figure of Arjun stood in front of the reflector but he wasn't the same anymore. Anonymous grief, guilt, displeasure marred his mind, his soul.

"I should discuss this with Madhav. He can only give an antidote to this mess" he hummed to himself, walked out of the chamber.

The corridor was filled with silence. No matter what, every corrupted mind needs silence as well as calmness. Arjun unlocked and entered his cousin's room but the room has just filled with gloom.

"Where are you Madhav?" The tiredness, exhaustion both combined and made his throat go numb.

Like a flower which blooms in the morning by the sense of sunshine, Arjun's face lit up by the soothing, harmonious yet pleasant sound of the flute.

Like a magnet that attracted to the metal, his legs carried him towards the direction where the rhythm came from. The words of serenity can be admired while the peace which spread there was only can be felt by the soul.

The stairs were solely separated the two ultimately connected, friends cousins to be accurate. The balcony was filled with heavenly rays, rabbits, peacocks, the numerous variety of newly bloomed flowers and there was the descent of Almighty who relishes the moment like a child while sitting on the well-decorated swing.

Indeed, the Bhoopali raga was the most comforting one but the flute's tune made every creature in the surrounding experience the supreme enjoyment, relief, cure for the wounds of the past, the satisfaction for the soul itself. Every inch around him brimmed with holiness and purity.

Arjun stood there like his legs were rooted there, some feet apart from his destiny as well as his fortune.

"Parth, I don't need much respect you can have a sit here" his every word held the precious tenderness in it as he patted the space beside him. He neither utter any of them in rush, not naughtiness laced in his voice.

"Madhav!" Arjun said as he felt like his corrupted system works perfectly like before.

They shared a brotherly hug and sat on the swing. "Where were you Parth? I was searching for you" the heavenly gold-dusted voice stated like he doesn't know anything.

"I was in the search of peace but I realized how foolish I am. I was searching for a piece of it while I have lawfully had the rights on the entire thing itself" he said while grinned like a carefree kid.

"Lawful rights? Then what will I tell my wives?" He said and made a horror-filled face which was good enough to make the balcony filled with manly laughter.

Arjun panted and coughed while looking at Krishna's face.

"Parth, it's good to cherish every moment in our life with a smile or laughter. We should accept our defeat, hard time as same as we accept happiness, victory given by our deeds with this same kind of smile" he said, pointing Arjun's broad smile.

"But what if we didn't do anything wrong and we pushed into the world of suffering?" Arjun asked him, genuinely asked his doubt from the bottom of his heart.

"There's nothing that occurs without any reasons. Are sure about your actions? Well, we can't satisfy everyone, there's always someone who will be hurt or affected by our deeds. We never bother that because we didn't do it purposely. That kind of action is not considered as your karma but what if you know someone who goes to suffer from your decision and you proceed with that? What if you are not bothered about somebody's anguish or misery caused by you? In simple words, you are just pretending to be blind in that kind of situation, without taking any actions. What if you hurt someone without giving a second thought about their feelings, and that too for your good? What if you stay speechless when the time someone needs your help? What if you do that? So are you deserve to be pushed into the world of suffering which the person went through?" He asked softly.

"If I had done all of that, yes I am deserve to be there. Still, I do not understand what is the cause of my current condition. I never hurt someone purposely" he hummed in confusion.

"Think well Parth, don't you discriminate Angraj in the grand hall in front of all the royals who gathered there for a competition recently?"

Arjun's face lost its glow while his complexion turned pale.

"Past is past. Go and meet your brother, maybe they can help you with some issues where I can't. There must not be any secrets and mysteries between brother"

He finished while looking deep into his cousin's hazel orbs. He guided him to the corridor while Arjun analyzed every word which utters by him.

The faint smile was panted on Arjun's face and he rushed towards the east where the common room of the Pandava brothers was located.


Hey guys! After a long time, I found some free time to write something. Sorry if I made you wait for a long time. I hope you guys will like it.
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