Will be there for you

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He was so good. He doesn't hide anything from her. He even cleared his doubt as he doesn't want any misunderstanding in future between both of them.

She doesn't know even she fall asleep that too on his shoulder. Her cheeks turned into deep shade of crimson as she recalled that moment.

The vermilion on his neck, his promise and the confession. The sideway hug which made him silent. The patting on her back in soothing manner. The sunset and the cool wind made them lost in them in their eyes.

"He didn't answer me when I ask about other? Why?" the innocent creature in disguise of girl asked herself.

How could she forget the event took place some moments ago? The horse ride. Both of them in same horse. His one hand one the reins and while another wrapped around her waist protectively.

The way he nuzzled her long neck and his hoot breath against her soft skin gave a sensation which she didn't feel before.

She pulled her knee towards her chest and hugged it tightly. Slowly placed her head on it as she can't stop herself from blushing.

There is no word left to describe her. The long dark tress we boundless. The usual calm face become more beautiful as she blushed. He flawless skin shone under the moonlight. No ornaments on her body except her mangalsutr.

"Did I really deserve him? When did he planned all this? Where is others?" The chain of thoughts become lengthier as so many question ran on her mind.

She nearly recalled all the moments of her life. All these happened this very short period. She doesn't know anything about this world. Very innocent as she didn't had childhood. The man she liked is her husband now. They don't know each other very well but their bonding is very strong as they met before.

She can't find any suitable reason for this. "Maybe I will get answer if I ask this question to him?"

She came out from her trance as she heard a sound. It's more like someone stepped on the small branch. The continuous sound made her body shiver.

Her hands automatically travelled towards her chest in fear. She looked at her surrounding to make sure there is no one. "Who is this?" she asked in her melodious voice.

"Arya is it you?" she asked for the second time. But there is no response so now she pretty sure that's not him.

Again the same sound reached her ears. She lastly washed her hands and slowly came out from the river.

The jungle was surrounded by darkness. The moon was hung in the night sky as a big lamp.

She could see her surrounding clearly as it was a full moon.

The continuous footsteps made her move backwards. The sound raised abruptly. She turned and picked up the containers in the bag given by her husband. Her doe eyes grew bigger as she felt someone's heavy gaze on her.

She blocked her chest with a bag while clenching her bathing cloth by another hand. She heard the footsteps as she stepped forward. Her face gone pale in fear. She could feel that someone follow closely but she is not dare to turn and face the person. She began ran fast as she could.

Just now she recalled her happy and memorable moments. She felt relieved as her life moving on the right path with right person. She wanted to live her life peacefully with him, her husband. Before she put a full-stop for her thoughts, an unwanted problem follows her. Actually, made her run.

"Is this the end?" her mind asked her while running as tears rolled down from her cheeks. "No! No matter what I won't give up easily. I got this life which I desired for. I won't give up" she said to herself as motivation.

The tears which came out of fear made her vision blurred. She run while turning towards her back to check whether that unknown person following her or not as she didn't hear any sound. The long tress beauty bumped into someone. Her breath hitched to see her husband in front of her. Water drops from his wet hair touched his attractive face as he done his bath just a while ago. His broad chest covered by a white cloth.

His feature clearly mentioning that he was searched for her. The worry lines formed in his forehead as he saw her like this. He held her shoulder tightly.

"What happened princess? Why are you running like this?" he asked concern filled voice.

"Arya..." she exclaimed and dropped the bag as she hugged him tightly. The tears rolled down from her rosy cheeks as a waterfall. Karn was dumbfounded to see her in this state. She didn't change her dress yet still in bathing cloth. Her hair was messy and wet. Her lips were trembling while her body shivering as the cool breeze touched her bare skin.

"How can someone made her cry? Made his love cry?" his jaw tightened. He clenched his fist in anger.

He hugged her more tightly protectively. She felt safe under his arms. He caressed her hair and lift her chin. She looked down as her eyes were still filled with tears.

"Look at me dear" he said softly. She looked straight into his dark brown orbs. He tucked a strand of hair which fell on her face behind her ear to get clear picture of her beautiful face. He could see fear in her eyes.

"Stop crying princess. I am here. Nothing will happen to you. Believe me" he made known as he wiped her tears with his thumb gently. A small smile appeared on corner of her lips. She nodded her head in agreement.

"What happened princess?" he asked for the second time.

"I..I was take bath in river. I heard someone's footsteps. First I thought that's you but after some moments I realized that's not you. I stepped back and I felt that someone follow me. So I began run."

"Then bumped into me" he said with a chuckle to lighten the mood. Her cheeks turned into dark shade of pink. She hid his arm playfully.

"Maybe that sound was made by animal princess. We are in jungle dear" he said softly as he explained the current scenario to his innocent wife.

"You are right. I don't have any experience in jungle so I think that's why I assumed like that" she said exactly what she thought.

"Come I will accompany you to hut. You go and change your dress first. Then I will come here and check whether anyone is here or not" he said.

"No need. You are with me so nothing will happen. We both can go to the hut now" she exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" he asked mischievously as he bend down a little and came near her face. "Why?" she asked tremblingly.

"Just look at you princess. Your untie long hair playing with the cool breeze. The water drops dripping from that. You haven't change your dress yet. You white bathing cloth stick with your body as a second skin. Your perfect curves are now clearly visible. Your flawless skin now shinning under the moonlight. Your innocent filled dark orbs and importantly your intoxicating natural blue lotus fragrance" he stopped and continue  "Do you really think that your husband can control himself?" he said huskily near her ear.

She could even feel his hot breath near her soft skin. All the things are new to her. If anyone else told this to her, she will just give a tight slap to the person but instead of it, she blushing heavily.

"How can your poor husband control himself?" he stated sadly once again. Her cheeks turned into deep shade of scarlet as she couldn't control herself. Unknown shyness made her looked at ground.

"I am sure because I believe in you" she said in her melodious voice. He can't even trust his own ears.

"What princess? What did you say?" he asked curiously.

"I am sure. We can go to the hut together because I believe in you" she mentioned for the second time, little bit louder than previous one.

"You made my day dear" he said contently while looking into her dark orbs with passion filled eyes.


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