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The princess of Panchal woke up before the dawn. She took special bath and came to her chamber.

The maids were braided and adorned her long thick hair with golden ornaments. The bright red lehenga, she wore was very grand and gorgeous with heavy work of embroidery. The designers used the golden threads for the embroidery and the gold color border of her odhni matched the lehenga very well.

The layered heavy gold necklace, the pair of big dangle earring, heavy maangtika, nose ring with the chain, the adorable rings on her soft thin finger, the bangles on her fair-skinned hand, a waistband which snaked around her thin waist and lastly the golden anklet with layered of bells made her heavenly beautiful.

The same designed golden ornaments she wore matched her grand red color lehenga with golden embroidery and gold color border. Lastly, the maids covered her face with veil.

The jasmine on her tress and her natural blue lotus fragrance made people around her mesmerized. 

She came out from the chamber. Her elder sister was there at the time to accompany her sister to the arena. The best dancers of Panchal welcomed their beloved with their graceful dance steps.

"In some moments, my beloved sister will be here" announced her twin brother in cheerful voice.

The princes and kings were already excited to meet the fire born princess. Karn desperately gazed at the entrance to see his lady of love. She is most beautiful lady of Aryavart. She was breathtakingly beautiful even without any ornaments but today is her swayamvar, so how she looks like in her bridal look? This question haunted him and made him look continuously towards the entrance. The pandavas were not eager as other because they already lost their heart to the girl who appear on their dream. So discuss something without pay much importance. 

The intoxicating fragrance made the people present in arena turned towards the entrance. The fire born princess elegantly went in to the arena. The people mouth hung open when their gaze fell on the breathtakingly beautiful girl in the entrance. 

There is no bound to the happiness of might Pandavas as they looked at the divine face behind the almost transparent veil. The same girl, they saw in their nightmare, stood in front of them now. But, they felt disappoint in same time because they must be an archer to win swayamvar.

Arjun saw her dark orbs which exactly same as in dream. So, the girl is real. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't daydreaming. He was decided to win her hand in this swayamvar as the competition is nothing more than archery. He was one of the great archer, so his confident level increased abruptly.

Karn amazed by her appearance. She looks like an apsara from the heaven. The red color which suited her complexion enchanted her beauty more. Karn was confident but he felt that he is not deserve her because of his cast. He also can't marry another girl besides her because he already fell for her.

Draupadi felt heavy gaze on her. There were so many lust filled eyes in front of her. They were just want to the beauty in front of her. She ignored the gazes and stepped forward.

She joined her hands as she greeted all the person in present there. She went near the divine bow and joined her hands to pay respect to it.

Her sister guided her to the seat near the most mischievous men of Aryavart. She gave him a smile and sat on the seat in between her father and friend.

"So sakhi, are you ready for see your future husband?" asked her friend with a smile.

"Yes" she said as she nodded her head.

"So, good morning all the kings and princes present here. Today is my sister's swayamvar, of course the swayamvar of most beautiful girl in Aryavart. That's why the competition is not at all easy. For won my sister's hand the person must hit the eye of the fish which continuously rotate by see the reflection of it. Only one arrow will be given to each participant. Before that the participant must set the string on this divine bow. The men with evil intention can't even move it. These are rules. All the best for all of you" the prince of Panchal explained the rules of competition.

Some Kings and prince give abruptly as they were not good at archery. Duryodhan and his brother felt bad to be mace users. They know that they will be definitely lose if they take part in this competition.

The great archers of Aryavart listen to the rules very carefully.

Draupadi randomly gazed at the participants to see their reaction. Her heart skipped a beat as he saw the same in attire of king.

She can't believe her own eyes. She thought that he was commoner but she had doubt. Now it's clear that he is a king or maybe prince of a certain kingdom.

Unknown happiness occurred her mind and the output of the happiness her lips curved into a beautiful smile.

The both archers saw the charming smile behind the veil. Karn replied her in a smile as he already knew that she recognized him.

Arjun thought that she was looking at him and smiling as he sat in first row, front of Kar. He grinned like a crazy man. Draupadi not even looked at him. At the same time, she saw the prince of Hastinapur and his brother downed their head in disappointment.

It's obvious from their gesture that they not very good in archery. Panchali felt relieved as she mentally laughed at them.

All the scenes were witnessed by the King of Dwarka. The divine smile on his lips noticed by his friend.

"Why are you smiling in this way?" She asked slowly.

"I am happy for my sakhi" he said in with same smile.

"Why?" confusingly she asked him.

"Don't ask me questions, just wait and watch. Remember in your life you are the only one who make decision. That's your rights" he said.

"Why you are always beating around the bush just get to the point" she asked as she didn't understand what he said just now.

"Let's see if he can move the bow or not" said Krishna as Drishtadyum called the prince of Vidarbha.

She turned her head towards the direction of the bow as she nodded her head with a small smile.

The prince walked up to the bow and tried to lift it. As Krishna said he can't move the bow. After a long time of struggle, he moved the bow for some inches. He voluntarily gave up as he knows that he is not capable for it.

The Kings and princes of some kingdoms tried their best to lift the bow but unfortunately they all failed.

"Next the prince of Hastinapur, Duryodhan" announced the prince of Panchal.

Draupadi saw an evil smirk on his face. He looked at her with his lust filled eyes.

"I can't lose this beauty" he said to himself as he stood up with a plan.

"I am not going to participate in this competition. As all you know, I am a mace user. So, it's obvious that I can't win this competition. But my friend will take part in my behalf. I am pretty sure that he will win the princess and make her my wife" he turned his head towards Karn.

The pin drop silence occurred the arena. Karn was very numb to react. How could he deny the request of his friend. But the same time, how can he forget his love for her and make her his friend's wife.

Draupadi stunned by Duryodhan's words. 'So his friend must be good at archery' she thought. Her world shattered as she saw Karn stood up and walked up to the bow.

"So he is the friend who good at archery" she mumbled to herself in dilemma. She was very nervous and anxious.

The hand held her fair-skinned hand. "Patient, have some patient and think properly sakhi" Krishna said.

The worry lines left her forehead as she felt that there is a person to support and stand by her. A smile formed in corner of her pink lips.

Any guesses about the pairing?
Let me know in comment
There will be a marriage part in next chapter until the then stay safe and take care.


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