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The newlyweds begin their journey with some fresh hope, inexperienced satisfaction, and joy. The young streak of sunshine made her soft leathery skin glow in golden color as well as his slightly tanned rough one. After some good moments of silence, he broke the ice wall which tried its best to grow stronger but unfortunately, all the effort go in vain.

"Are you bored?"
"No!" Came out her natural melodious voice in a louder tone with a jerk.

"Then, what is the meaning of that eerie silence which occurred some moments ago?" The mocking tone of him made her sat in the appropriate posture and swiveled towards him.

"Why don't you like the natural pillow" a devilish smirk played on his graceful face.

" I am not penetrated at all. All of these new experiences in my short period of life. I am admiring and relishing it. Do you know what my father won't allow me to go out of the royal palace but I frequently sneak out to examine the unfamiliar things around me" her face lit up like a child who gets its favorite candy. He solely drowned himself in her innocence.

"Why are you talking in riddles? I don't understand. What the meaning of natural pillow?" she ended up with a question by raising her bow-like eyebrows and blinked like an adorable child.

"Pillows are used to support our heads when lying or sleeping right? So just now what did you use for supporting your head wifey?" He made a contact with her smooth skin by touching her button nose with his index finger.

Her mind took some seconds to process his words. Her cheeks heated up as the sudden shyness evolved in her. She looked downwards due to her reddened face. She tried her best to avoid eye contact with him to prevent the upcoming alien feeling in her.

"You so adorable and innocent princess," he said plainly as his eyes still glued to her, who continuously looking downwards.

"You should learn some essential things, then only you can cope up with this journey of life" his manly voice laced with calmness and softness.

She looked at him with interest as she wanted him to continue. Her eyes, the perfect mirror for reflecting her emotions made him proceed with his thoughts.

"We all are humans with the similar structure and same color of blood but our mind, thoughts, emotions, activities, opinions, beliefs, family, friends, lineage, food habits, dressing sense and most importantly, our upbringing is different from each other. That's why there are always opposition, disagreement, controversy, and resistance for whatever decision we make. I bet you never faced this kind of situation in your whole life nevertheless in your family circle"

His words held deep meaning. The depth was way too much for her to handle. She recapped all the events that took place in the short period of her lifetime. In conclusion, what he said was true, she has confronted that kind of circumstance merely once by her father. Moreover, he quickly comprehended his negligence as she risked her own life without giving a second thought, that too save the man who chased her from the palace some juncture ago. He found innocence and pure affection and selflessness in her effort to save him. He accepted her as his daughter, princess of the kingdom, the guardian angel of the land. After that event, she never had encountered a situation as he mentioned till present.

Her chain of thoughts moved backward while the horse hurried exactly in the opposite. The eyelids with long and thick lashes moved up and down for some time without asking permission from their owner.   The tightened grip around the slender midsection of her body brought her to the present. She shook her head as she realized the reality and changed her position.

"You are right, I never faced that kind of situation in my life. Even your guess is true, it's happened once that too in my family circle" there is neither a smile nor sadness in her voice, emotionless to be precise.

"That's because your lovely family members didn't allow you to explore the outer world as others. Neither it's their fault nor misstep as you are an exception not only for them but for this universe. Gorgeous fully grown maiden with a never-ending river of elegance and divinity. Even I am out of terms and phrases whenever I attempt to describe you. As I told you before, everyone is different from each other. We can't expect people in front of us to be good or to be like us. That's why your family members protected and safeguarded you, the precious one like their life so no one can harm or abuse you."

"So what are you saying is, I shouldn't explore like before?" Her silly question made him chuckled while his vision left the path and fixed on her.

"How can a queen can't we explore? You should. You should explore as much as you can, you should mingle with people, you should understand their perspectives, their lifestyle, their problems, miseries, hindrances. You should take care of them. That's the real queen's duty. What I am saying is before you do that, you should understand the nature of people so you can protect yourself. Your innocence is your plus and at the same time, it's your minus. You should mastery some skills and techniques as well so no one can take advantage of your innocence. Do you understand what I am trying to convey?"

She nodded her head in approval and gave smile which bloomed on her luscious pinkish lips some seconds ago.

"If you achieve this, then you can simply categorize people based on their intentions and identify people around you whether they are you well-wishers or not. Remember this princess, eyes are the same, their function is the same but the views are various. People are same, their expression is same but the intentions and goals are different"

She stared at him with a smile, most probably admired him and after done she broke the silence by asking "Do you know what?"

"I know what princess?" He asked her while raising his eyebrow.

"You are a good teacher. The proficiency and knowledge which I got are priceless. Thank you for that and I hope you won't mind teaching me or share your thoughts or opinions with me. Thanks in advance for that" she grinned at him while he did the same and shook his head as he doesn't have any idea what he gonna with this girl until his last breath.

"So we are moving towards your kingdom?" The overflowing eagerness came out in the form of a question.

"Yes, possibly in a couple of hours"

"Couple of hours! Then we can do this. I will ask you questions and you will do the same after answer my question. So we can know about each other even more right?" She waited for him to respond.

"What are looking at? Go ahead princess" he assures her while holding the reins on both sides tightly.

"Okay, are you eldest son in your family?"

"Hmm, I am the eldest and youngest son in my family" she glanced at him strangely as she doesn't get him.

He left out a laugh at her reaction. "I mean, I am the only child"

"Okay, now it's your turn, ask me something you don't know about me?"

"What you are like to do whenever you feel free?"

"It's s according to my mood. Occasionally, I love to sing and dance. Well, I like to do embroidery and if my siblings are free then we will do swordplay or archery practices. I do paintings, and cooking occasionally" she finished with a cute smile.

"So my wife is not only beautiful and smart. She is so talented and creative. It's really impressive"


That's all for today, well I will try my best to give a frequent update.

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