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Both the darkness of night and light of full moon occurred Arjun's room. He straight away went to his bathroom and took warm bath. He changed to light garments. His mind was blank. He desperately needs to sleep for some quality of time. The big size bed attracted his attention. The sighed as he placed his head against the thick headboard of bed.

He wrapped blanket around himself as the chilly wind came through the window without his permission. Possibly sent by the Almighty to make him relax. His head rested in a soft pillow.

He lost himself in his own world of dreams at the very moment he closed his eyes.

In his deep slumber he felt someone caressing his soft locks. Of course how could a son can't recognize his mother's touch.

Her heart yearned for see his face as her own conscience accused her for being bias to her first born. True, she can't deny it because of her Suryaputra became Sutputra. The eldest brother of Pandavas became best friend for who the person hate them. Her own sons criticize Karn because of his caste. She felt pang on her heart as her maid informed her that her Arjun who admire Karn, humiliate him in the arena of competition.

Arjun is not like other. He is a rational thinker. He won't do anything in haste. Even though, she tried her best to console herself, her inner heart become restless about the event took place in Panchal.

She wanted to ask him, clearly but what if she hurt him as she doesn't know what is the exact reason and intention for him do so.

The dark circles below his eyes clearly mentioned that he spent some sleepless night. Her heart worried for himself more. She silently pray for him and other sons also to get all the good things.

She left the chamber without making any sound while gazing at him affectionately.

She entered her chamber. Her mind became restless with some unknown reasons. Her heart told her to reveal the truth about her Karn at the very moment she saw him in the grand arena with the golden armour and earrings itself but her mind stopped her eventually. What will happen to the reputation of both paternal and maternal house? She doesn't have idea about how many questions will be raised against her and her character. How will be she handles all of this alone? What will be the reaction of the elders of family? Will they accept her first born as the legal heir? At the top of this what will be HIS reaction? He faced lots of unwanted humiliation and discrimination so far because of the so called caste but what about his feeling if he came to know that he is not a charioteer's son, not a commoner to be precise? Her mind and heart both did a great job in confusing her.

The poor elderly lady who handle her emotions nicely so far, became weak and broke down completely. Her eyes arched and turn into red. Maybe the effect of holding tears for hour together.

"Let your tears flow" said a divine voice from balcony.

"Krishna!" Exclaimed his aunt.

She doesn't know the real reason but she felt like his is saviour. Tears rolled down her cheeks. He hold her shoulder and made her comfortable on the couch in balcony.

"Let it go bua! Enough is enough. Don't think about past and future. You can't live in past as well as future. You can only able to live in present. So do whatever you want to do. Try to have a peaceful life" he put his words clearly and at the time carefully.

She looked him intensely. How could he knows about her secret? Her mind stunned by his words.

"But...Krishna, ho...how" he gave her a sad smile

"Don't ask me that, please. I will let you at the right time" he cut off her question.

"So what should I do?"

"That's your decision bua. I am just giving you advise from the place of your well-wishers. It's up to you" he said while gazing at the full moon.

"I really want to reveal the truth but I scared" she said in merely auditable tone.

"Look at the moon. Tonight is a full moon but in just fifteen days it will be a new moon. Full moon night filled with brightness but the same time there is no light on new moon night. Don't you feel that strange? Some people say that there is no moon on that night. Is it true?"

"No...there is a moon but no light" she said.

"Yes, but it is not true if you say moon won't reflect the light anymore right? Even the moon pass through the dark phrase of its life but the moon will continue to do its routine afterwards. It's won't stop at the dark phrase if it's not move on then there will be no light for us in night. World will be drowned in dark. Nature is good teacher. So why don't you move on from your past. Past is past. The moon can overcome it's problem,then why don't the people?" He looked at her calm face.

"The nature is good teacher, I agree but your are the best" she said softly.

"So can I conclude that you are now clear about what I said" he asked in his usual mischievous tone.

"That's your wish Krishna. I only can give advice for you but the the decision is yours" she said thoughtfully as imitate him.

Krishna looked at her wide eyes. The room filled with laughter after some time of silence.

"Krishna can I ask you something?*

"Yes, of course"

"Arjun is always very clear about his activities. He always make sure there is no one hurt by his actions or words. Then why he used those cruel words on him that also in the arena of competition?"

Krishna sighed. He stood up from the couch and walked away for the balcony.

"Karma. You will get what you do" that's what he said.

She decided to keep quiet and not ask about this things anymore as she doesn't have any idea about what did he say moments ago.

" Why don't you come straight into the point? Always using riddles. I really don't understand what are you trying to say. It's okay I won't ask anything after this. Go and have a good sleep"

"You too bua" he said with his signature smile.

He came back to his chamber and sat on the bed.

" The boon, result of your silence. Characters are remain same but their role changed. Well, brilliant move sakhi" he said to himself and closed his eyes slowly.


Boom! Hey guys, I am here now after so many days. 2 weeks to be precise and here is the update for all of you. I really wanted to give an update today as I feel blessed to have you all.
Yess! My book reached 21k reads and 2k votes. Its not possible without all of you as always I love you 3000 guys❤️❤️❤️

By the way, don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. Let me know about it.

Spoiler alert: Of course about our hero and heroine

Thank you for your support sweethearts ❤️❤️❤️
Take care

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