Boon to me

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"What is the problem in that?" asked Draupadi.

He doesn't want any misunderstanding between them. These kind of feelings definitely will be a problem in future. So, he decided to ask her. He feels blessed to have her, but still the unknown feeling in his mind felt guilty.

"You are born princess. I am just a charioteer's son. I am not deserving you" he said as looked at ground.

Pin drop silence occurred the place. After some seconds, Karn gazed at his wife. 

The hot liquid eagerly waits for come out from her beautiful dark orbs.

"Hey, what happened?" he exclaimed as he stopped the chariot.

"Why? Don't you like me? Are you just married me because of the situation?" She asked in pain filled voice.

"No..No..Nothing like that. I am just confused. Are you really don't have any problem with my caste or you just accept me to protect your country's and father's dignity?" He said in soft voice.

Karn felt relieved when he saw the tears in her eyes gone as she heard his statement.

"I don't like lies and I won't lie. I am really don't have any problem with your caste. Human's heart is more important. Humanity is the best quality. I like you from the moment I saw you helps and feed the children in market" she said as made him shocked.

"Did you see me?" The confusion clearly visible in his face. 

"Yes" she said as her cheeks heated up when she realized what she said to him while ago.

"So the princess of Panchal sneaked out from the palace just two days before her swayamvar" he asked as he don't know anything with a big smile.

Her cheeks turned into deep shade of scarlet. Karn enjoyed the scenario. "Can we move princess?" Karn asked her.

"Can but before that, can you do a favour for me?" She stated while looking straight into his brown orbs.

"Of course" he nodded his head in agreement.

"Then, promise me that you won't ask me this question anymore and don't think low about yourself. So this is my last answer to this question. I really don't have any problem with your caste. I am very tired by answer this question from yesterday" she said with a cute pout.

"As your wish. I promise that I won't ask you this question anymore. Happy?" he asked as chuckled. 

"Happy" she said as her face brighten up.

They resume their journey.

"So, do you have siblings?" she asked to break the silence

"No. I am the only son for my parents." he said with smile and he lost in his own thoughts.

"You miss them, aren't you? Don't worry, some more hours only. You can meet them as soon as we reach" she said with smile.

"Yes. I am really miss both of them. Hey, how do you know that I miss them?" he asked in amusement.

"There's a quote that our face will mirror our mind. So, you face also did the same." she said near his ear with a chuckle. He could felt her breath near his skin. The soothing fragrance, cool breeze and her chuckle's sound. He looked at her. She is truly an angel. His angel.

He gave a grin at her. "I am the blessed one" he said as she turned towards him.

"Why?" she asked softly.

"Because...I have you as my wife" he said huskily near her ears. The hot breath made her felt the sensation.

"Same here" she said with a charming smile. He smiled contently.


Arjun reached the jungle. The went deep into the forest. He reached the lake. He drank some water from the lake and sat against a big tree.

He closed his eyes. Soon he felt into deep slumber as he doesn't sleep for some days.

The same dark orbs beauty stood in balcony. Arjun hugged her from behind. 

"I missed you. Twelve years without you. Without my soul" she said as tears in her eyes.

"Same here dear" He broke the hug and leaned to kiss her. Just some inch between their lips. Their eyes were closed. There were no bodies. just two souls. The souls which earning for love.

"Today is your first night with Subhadra" the voice rang in his mind.

He left her. The closed eyes were remain closed. After some seconds, she opened her lotus eyes. The confusion marred the features.

"Sorry. Today is my first night with Subhadra" he said.

"Owh.. So...sorry" she stammered and turned her face as tears came out from her eyes.

He left the chamber. She fell down on her knees. Her eyes were swallowed.

"I am also your bride. Its already twelve years since we married. But you went to your new bride." she was beyond hurt.

"Why?" she screamed.

Arjun woke up. He was breathing heavily. Tears were coming out from his eyes. "How could me left her because of other woman? Am I that much cruel? Why the twelve years separation?" Arjun confused and felt guilty.

He understood that his dreams were not ordinary one. As its about the same thing. He couldn't find the reason for it but nowdays he is trying hard to find clue from his dreams.

The same thought occurred him. He lost her. How can that's happen? He is not expected this. But the fate made him lost her.


Karn couldn't stop smiling as the epitome of beauty sleeping by kept her head on his shoulder. It's been one hour. They were discussed many things. After some discussion, an unknown silence occurred. He turned his head as felt something on his shoulder. He froze as he saw that his wife sleeping peacefully.

The vermilion on her forehead, the pink cheeks, soft lips and most importantly the beautiful smile on her soft smile. Again and again made him felt blessed. ' What I done to have you?' he asked softly by touching her cheek.

He was smiling from that moment. "It's good to you sleep now dear. There is something waiting for you" he thought as chuckled.

Karn waited for his wife to wake up as he reached his destiny. He stopped the chariot and sat in the same posture. He doesn't want to spoil her sleep. He gazed at her beautiful face.

Draupadi's lips curved into a big smile. She tried to open her eyes. However, the sudden sunlight hit her eyes. She hid her face in crook of Karn's neck woke up as calm sunlight hit her face as its time to sunset.

He smiled and placed his hand in front of her face to block the rays. She nuzzled his neck. She inhaled the manly musk fragrance of him. He enjoyed her actions. She slowly opened her eyes. She froze for a second. She separated abruptly.

Her cheeks turned into dark shade of scarlet. She doesn't know why but she gave a shy smile while looking at downwards.

"Sorry" she stated shyly.

"There is nothing to sorry princess. After all I am your husband# he said with an assuring smile.

She looked straight into his brown eyes. Those eyes were filled with affection. She suddenly took the end of her dupatta and wiped his neck softly.

"What happened princess?" he asked confusingly.


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I will update next chapter after 40+ votes.

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