Embrace of Night

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In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the chamber's windows, Draupadi's eyes fluttered open to find herself alone in the expansive bed they shared. Confusion clouded her mind for a moment before the realization struck as Karn was not beside her.

A sudden pang of worry gripped Draupadi's heart as she sat up, her silken sheets pooling around her. She glanced around the dimly lit room, the shadows playing tricks on her senses, amplifying her unease.

"Arya?" she called out softly, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the night. But there was no answer, only the faint rustle of the curtains dancing in the breeze.

Fear began to gnaw at Draupadi's insides as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, the cool touch of the marble floor sending a shiver down her spine. She wrapped herself in a sheer shawl, the delicate fabric offering little comfort against the chill that seemed to permeate the air. With a furrowed brow, she stepped closer to the window, her heart pounding with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Pushing aside the heavy velvet curtains, Draupadi peered out into the night, her gaze drawn to the source of the light. There, on the upper floor of their chamber, she saw a soft, inviting glow seeping through the windows. A sense of relief washed over her as realization dawned that he must be in upstairs. 

Basically, their chamber was a sanctuary of tranquility, designed with meticulous attention to detail to provide comfort and elegance. Nestled within the heart of their palace, the chamber boasted a double-storey structure that reflected their refined taste and status.

The ground floor of their chamber served as a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation. Beyond the corridor leading to their personal study, one would find the snanaghar, a lavishly adorned bathing area where fragrant oils and perfumes filled the air. A large, intricately carved marble tub sat at the center, surrounded by lush ferns and flowering plants, inviting them to indulge in moments of leisure.

Adjacent to the snanaghar was the dressing room, a space adorned with ornate mirrors and exquisite silk draperies. Here, Draupadi's dazzling array of sarees, lehenga and Karn's regal attire were meticulously organized, each garment a testament to their refined taste and opulent lifestyle.

At the far end of the ground floor, a small hall awaited, furnished with plush cushions and intricately embroidered rugs. This cozy nook provided the perfect setting for intimate gatherings and quiet moments shared between the couple, away from the hustle and bustle of palace life.

A set of grand double doors led to the outdoor terrace, where a tranquil pond-like setup filled with lotus blossoms glistened under the moonlight. A swing, adorned with delicate floral garlands, usually, will be swayed gently in the breeze, invite the young couple to while away the hours in each other's company, surrounded by the serenity of nature.

Ascending the staircase to the upper floor, one would find their personal study, a sanctuary of knowledge and reflection. The room was lined with shelves filled with ancient scrolls and texts, each containing a wealth of wisdom and insight. A large oak desk occupied the center of the room, where Karn often retreated to ponder matters of state and strategy, where his thoughts illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

As she ascended the staircase, Draupadi's heart fluttered with anticipation. Each step brought her closer to Karn, filling her with a sense of longing and reassurance.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Draupadi entered their personal study, where Karn sat amidst a sea of scrolls and parchments, his figure illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. Relief flooded Draupadi's being as she beheld him, her worries dissipating in the warmth of his presence.

"Arya," she breathed, crossing the room to stand beside him. "I was worried. I couldn't find you."

As Draupadi approached Karn, a cool breeze swept through the open windows of the study, causing her to tremble slightly. The soft fabric of her tunic brushed against her skin as her loose hair danced in the gentle wind, adding to the ethereal atmosphere of the room.

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