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Karn reached the hut with his wife on his arms. He raised his eyebrow to indicate her to open the door with a soft smile. Desire and passion filled brown orbs locked with black innocent ones.

He placed her on the single bed with caution which collided to the wall. Her fragile frame moved slowly and sat with her legs crossed.

He took advantage of it as she continuously gazing at the floor. In the fraction of second, before she could blink her eyes, he placed his knee on the bed while other one on in ground and both of his arms caged her small frame in between himself and the bed.

His face just right in front of her. She blinked her eyes like a baby. The intensity of his gaze increased by every second. She pulled her knees towards her chest as she felt the useless organ on her chest raised its beat. Her heart threatened her to come out form the ribcage. Blood rushed to her cheeks made her natural pink cheeks turned into deep shade of scarlet.

He went near slowly until his lips slightly brushed hers delicate one in teasing manner. Without any objection she closed her doe eyes to feel the new emotion. To be frank, she allowed him to do so. He parted away  as his lips curled into chuckle before some seconds become minutes.

She open her eyes and saw her husband in the corner of hut.
"Searching for something, aren't you?" He nodded his head in response.

The confusion occurred her as she him with a pillow and blanket. "Have a good sleep princess as tomorrow we will continue our journey in early morning" she turned towards the his direction.

"Why? Are we going somewhere again?" She asked playfully while gazed at the blanket and pillow he held.

"No...but yeah, I am going outside" her heart skipped a beat.

" don't you feel comfortable with me?" She tried her best to hide her hesitation and shocked expression.

"Hey, nothing like that. Just don't want to make you uncomfortable" he said in his manly voice.

She lowered her head in defeat as she won't able find any words to stop him from going outside.

Some moments of pin drop silence occurred the them. She raised her head in swift motion as she heard his laughter.

"Your expressions are really adorable. Good night" before his right hand reach the door, he felt some delicate finger wrapped his left wrist.

He found his wife behind him, stood there silently, her head downed and gaze glued to the floor as usual.

"What happened?" He his fingers under her chin made her head up. All of her expressions were buried under the mask of serenity. Her eyes bored into him. He felt something new in her gaze unlike the others, something special.

Her natural bangs covered her beautiful face as the sudden breeze peeped by the window.

"Anything needed?" He tried again as he doesn't get answer for previous one.

"You" she whispered softly, merely audible.

"What?" He asked her again, pretended like he doesn't hear what she said.

"Nothing.." she turned her head in disappointment. The poor innocent girl was so confused at the moment as she doesn't know whether ask him to stay or not. What will he thinks about her if she opened up just like that? Girl in white slowly lost in her own world of thoughts.

Nothing uncomfortable here. Everything is simply nice. It will more than better if you stay with me. Even I don't have any other choice then ask it by myself but I don't think I can do this. I'm really not capable of doing this.

"Enough of your thoughts!" Stated a voice playfully.

Her chains of thoughts broke as she heard him. A force pulled her delicate body by her wrist and sudden loose of balance made her landed on broad chest of her man who laid himself on the bed.

Before she could figure out something, his arm snaked around her, pulled her into himself more and more.

Another arm caressed her long tress slowly. "Don't think too much dear, if not your brain will burst eventually" he made known with a concern, pointing his index finger on her head.

"Don't stress yourself. Don't be hesitate, just ask me for anything, Your wish will be my command princess" she was very numb to react as couldn't believe her own ears.

"But it's okay, if you don't want ask me or share or thoughts. I won't force you" his words were filled with genuineness.

"Really?" She asked him innocently.

"I am not the person who take back the words and promises"

"I love you more than anything" before he could react she buried her neck in the crook of his neck.

He hugged her more tightly in protective manner.

The night was very special to both of them. On the first day of marriage itself they become so close not only physically but also mentally.

She fell asleep before him after sometime of chitchat. Her head was placed on his bare chest while his arm around her waist. Thanks to the single bed which made them more closer.

He planted a passionate kiss on her forehead with a broad smile. All the events happened from morning till right now played in his mind like a recap.

He was over by happiness which can't be described in words as there no that kind words in any language.


Arjun reached Hastinapur in midnight. The door was wide open to him. He couldn't get it as he heard some noise in common hall at that hour.

"What's going on at this hour?" He asked himself and went to the hall swiftly.

His eyes grew bigger. "Parth!" Krishna exclaimed and gave him a bone crushing hug.

Arjun felt solace in his cousin's arms.
Stood there the oldest man of Hastinapur with a small smile. Arjun expected him to be angry or something but his worry vanished at the time he saw him stood there calmly with a smile.

"Go and take rest Parth" Krishna said in assuring tone. He simply nodded and walked towards his chamber which was abounded by him for some weeks.


Hey guys!
Here, after so many days...
I hope you like this chapter. Let me know in comment.
I'm sorry to update at this hour
Next update will be here after my exams

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