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Krishna reached the hermitage of Maharishi Vyasa. The Pandavas remain silent until all of the member of hermitage departure to resume their work.

Krishna smiled at his cousins abruptly as he knew their original identity.

They all went to room which is specially made for the guests. The Pandavas, their mother and Krishna went to discuss about the upcoming matters.

"How long you guys going to hide this truth and your identity?" Asked Krishna in order to break the silence in the room.

"So what we must do now?" Asked the Nakul.

"There is solution to all the problems in the world. It's just a simple theory, light is solution to the darkness. You are the solution of evilness of your cousins, so don't hide the truth anymore. Once, Duryodhan become the king of Hastinapur, we can't do anything after that. Hastinapur will be cursed, no one will be there as citizen" Krishna stopped as he looked into Dharmaraj's eyes.

"Is this your Dharma? Will you do that for your own benefit? Is this the purpose of your birth? It will be unfair if you do that. At least, for the citizens who believed in you, you must reveal the truth" he said in calm tone.

"It is a solution, Madhav" asked the beloved friend of Krishna.

"It's my suggestion. If you don't want be selfish then you can do that. If you think about your own benefit then you can continue like this, no one will force you" Krishna said as a mischievous smile played on his lips.

"We are not selfish, we can do anything for our beloved citizen. We won't allow them suffer under the demonic king" said the elder Pandav as he already decided to return and reveal their truth to the world.

"We can't be a coward, we are warriors. The warriors must face the problems and the obstacles bravely. We can't run from the problems by showing our backs. It won't be a solution to any problems" said Bheem confidently.

"So lastly, mighty warrior understood what I said. How lucky l am to hear this?" He said sarcastically.

All of them burst into laughter. After so long they laughed wholeheartedly.

They decided to spent a night in the hermitage. After the dinner, all of them retreat to their sleeping area expect Arjun and Krishna.

They went to the garden behind the hermitage for a walk. The had a conversation about the all things happened in the past.

Suddenly, Arjun stopped and looked into Krishna's lotus eyes.

Krishna gesture him to continue as he smiled assuringly.

"I am having nightmares. Actually same nightmare. Very real and very realistic, I can't believe it that it's just a nightmare" he said in one breathe.

Krishna gave him a smile as he knew that his talking about. "What is the nightmare about, Parth?" He asked like he don't anything.

"It's about a black eyes beauty, Madhav. I can't describe her beauty in words. There is no suitable words for describe her beauty. If there is anyone can be a empress of beauty, then I can confidently say that she is the one" he said while grinning like a mad man.

"Parth, it will be a illusion maybe. It's your age. Definitely, you will get dreams like this at this age" Madhav said as he merely wanted to change the topic.

"No Madhav. It's not an illusion. That's why I say it is very realistic" he continued to tell all the things he saw in the nightmare.

"Arjun, don't think all the thing we saw and we liked can be ours without take any kind of initiative. We must try to achieve want we want. The thing we get without any initiative will have no value. So try as much you can. Before that, decide what exactly you want, be clear" he said as confusion occurred Arjun's face.

"Don't take my words serious. Just think about my words when you are free". They retreat to the sleeping area. Arjun fall asleep as soon as they reached there. 

The smile on Arjun's face clearly tell Krishna that he enjoying his nightmare again.

The next day morning, they took bath in the nearby river. They went to the Maharishi Vyasa and say thank you to him for his help.

He blessed the five princes wholeheartedly. 

"Be happy always, do your work without thinking giving thoughts to other things. Sometime fate play in our life. So don't lose your hope. Stay stronger always. Our karma will follow us. We can't do anything about it" he said in his usual calm tone.

The brothers shared a confused look. They just gave a smile to the Maharishi. While the Maharishi looked into the person who stand behind the them, smiling without any reason.

"All will  happen as per their fate, a lady can do anything. A lady also changed the both fate and destiny" said the Maharishi Vyasa to himself just as whisper so no one will hear him.

Krishna just nodded his head with a smile from distance as he heard what he said.


There is only one week to the swayamvar of the most beautiful lady of Aryavart. Some of the princes and kings of other kingdoms already reached there.

Draupadi returned to her chamber after the swordplay with her elder brother. Her friends, actually her maids are really excited about her marriage. Even though, they felt sad when think about their beloved princess's departure after the marriage, still they are feeling happy for her. They pray to the god for her well-being everyday.

According to them, she is most innocent and pure soul. She is not a proudly princess like others. She is different, very humble, very polite, very innocent, very childish and many more. Perfect combination of all the good thing. She is one born to spread good vibration and divinity in world.

Definitely, the one going to be her husband, must be blessed. She is nothing more than a boon. So that's why they don't want to see their beloved princess suffer under inhuman man. 

"I think you guys are more excited than me" Draupadi said crossed her arms while smiling.

"Yes of course, after so many years, this is the occasion in Panchal" said the elder maid.

"Come and choose what you want princess" said another.

The particular space in her majestic chamber filled with the new design saree and lehengas. In other side of chamber was filled with essences and the golden jewelries.

"These are from the north" said one of the maid as she pointed her index finger to the bundle of lehengas.

Indeed, they are very gorgeous with heavy embroidery works. The thread that used in the lehengas is not ordinary one. Instead the ordinary one they were used golden and silver threads. The embroidery works are very neat and very detail. It's worth for it cost.

The sarees are no less than the lehengas. They were in multiple color and multiple design. The material that the designer chose and embroideries on that make that attires more beautiful.

"How was the clothes?" asked the prince of Panchal. 

"They were so beautiful and gorgeous. I don't know, which one I should choose?" Said the doe eyes lady while gazing at the bundles of the clothes confusingly.

"Why you should choose, all of this just for you dear"csaid the brother affectionately.

"All!" she nearly shouted. 

"All of these specially made for my cute little sister. Gifts from your brother" he said as he pinched her cheek.

She stood there amazed. This much of gifts for her. Why? Why he gives her so much love to her? Can she survive without her twin who always understand her? 

The lone tear that came out of her lotus eye made her twin scared.

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