Ease on heart

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Once she was comfortable he started to move slowly. That's when all the pain vanished in thin air and was replaced by pleasure.

The dried tears mark is still visible on her silk-like skin. His fingers caressed her cheeks, thumb drew a loop, and traced down to her luscious lips. He wasn't used to touching something this fragile, his rough hand against her skin. It was like stroking the petals of the newly blossomed lotus.

As a warrior, he was used to war, battles, crying, screaming, seeking mercy for their life, and many more gross events. He was with princes who always go after the nation. So he wasn't an exception, always being the main person in the war, he brought destruction to many nations and used violence. But witnessing her, his draupadi in pain or with tears in her doe eyes drives him crazy, and angry, the feeling that he won't even hesitate to cut down the head of someone who hurt her.

Karn never believes in destiny and luck, for him everything is karma. " Maybe it's all true after all," he thought. He changed his mind right after he saw Draupadi another day in the garden of Panchal Palace. She is nothing but a blessing in the form of women. The boon from the Almighty in the form of Shree. The divine light brightens up his shadowy life.

She is intelligent indeed. It is so hard to believe that women like her without a drop of arrogance. Overwhelming kindness, tolerance, compassion, and respect for everyone even commoners is not usual for the royals. He experienced that many times. Being a charioteer son, he has been criticized all the time. Yes, some royals honor him but it's just because of his valor and archery not of who he is.

She is solely different, the descendant of holiness and purity, she treats everyone the same, neither partiality nor fanatic.

" So innocent! " but this is what made him overprotective towards him. She has no experience in life, and never knew about the humans in the cruel world. She might end up getting harmed and disappointed in the world. He hugged her closer to his chest.

" I will teach her, make her understand, illustrate to her the world, and most importantly will make her differentiate between the good and bad also the real and fake" he whispered slowly to not disturb the damsel who sleeps soundly. They planted a soft kiss on her forehead. The edge of the lips curved a bit in a smile. She, his first love, his wedded wife, definitely will be dead for him. He let out a chuckle watching her. That's it. He felt utter peace.

The peace that he craves for years. Maybe decade. He spent most of the hard nights where the humiliation he faced haunted him to the core. The best archer of the Aryavarta will be hiding his head in his mother's lap, or something the wine helps. Sleepless nights are always a huge anxiety for him. But now, right after her entry as a wife into his life, he didn't even think about his bitter past.

" What a solace to the heavy heart! " he let out a sigh with delight.

He shut his eyes by inhaling the intoxicating blue lotus fragrance that originates from her body with a calm smile.


The same night the couple forgets themselves in their partner's arms.

In Hastinapur, Arjun was wandering around in the garden, enjoying the scenario where the moon spread the utmost brightness all over the area, and the flower glow up as if they sucked the moonlight. The pond in the middle of the garden reflects the moon along with Arjun's face. He sat down there and dipped his legs inside. It was soothing after some time he felt like he achieved something big. lastly, he told his brother about his situation the anxiety the dilemma, everything. He let out everything.

The chilly wind against his skin made him relax, and forget everything for some time. He laid down on the grass-made mattress. That's when a pebble hits his head. He arose in a fraction of a second.

" Who is this? " he asked with a deadly voice.

" Find yourself, Bhrata! " it was Nakul.

" That rat," he thought but soon he heard all his brother's laughter.

" So all of you are here to support our baby brother isn't? Poor me" Arjun's voice sank.

Everyone felt bad as he was already stressed now he feels like nobody is there for him. All of them came out with a pitiful face to console him.

Yuthishtir hugged him and patted his head softly. " We are all one, so don't think you have nobody! Okay? " the eldest used his words wisely with a serene smile as usual.

" Sorry, Bhrata! " Nakul came forward. Arjun extended his hand and within the blink of an eye, water splashed on their face. They were all shocked and couldn't understand what just happened.

That's when they heard Nakul's annoyed voice. " Bhrataaaaa! "

The garden file with the laughter of the mighty warriors.

The eldest helped Nakuk to come out from the pond and ordered the soldier to get them towels.

" Why are all of you still awake? " asked Arjun after all of them dried up themselves.

" Oh God, you forget about our plan to go to the forbidden library, don't you?" Asked Bheem with fake anger.

"We are going tonight itself? ". " Yeah, I heard that the days when the moon brightened up like this the 'Chief Guard' power will lessen. So it's good for us to try tonight!" Answered the youngest. They all agreed and got ready for their mission. It was a cave on the border of their nation. Paandava brothers entered the pitch-dark cave and found the stairs which had flames shining in an emerald green around them. Sahadev used a spell and got access to the stairs which would direct them to the underground. The Pandavas reach the underground, the path ahead to the forbidden library.

" Bhrata, should we use the torch? " Nakul asked but they heard it again from the other direction, it's certainly not an echo. Sahadev motioned for him to keep silent. He gave him a scroll and showed the fifth verse which states that when someone intends to enter the forbidden library, they must face all the hindrance, mysterious hypnotic, question, elements, and lastly the 'Chief Guard'.

Nakul eyes enlarged, and horror was evident on his face which turned pale.

"It's okay, I can protect you!" Bheem hugged him sideways.

" Protect! Protect! Protect! " they heard their mother's voice from the west direction. Four of them were about to enter the door that's when Sahadev stopped and hushed his brothers. He showed the 8th verse from the scroll which mentioned that when someone passes into the forbidden library, it's not only them but also their yearning, shadow, mind, fear, weakness!

Four of them were dumbfounded and nodded their head after snatching some seconds to comprehend what was going on around them.

They just follow their youngest brother in silence.

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