Cool breeze

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Arjun stood there silently. He wanted to stop all the things but logically he can't do anything.

He saw her face for the last time and walked towards the guest's palace as he decided to start his journey.

His brother told him to wait. They planned to go back with thier cousins but however Arjun got his elder brother permission. So he started his journey early.

Arjun was riding on his favorite horse, Saibya. He took some other path as he already decided to go somewhere to reduce his sorrow, stress, anger and depression. He can't go to Hastinapur as he felt broken and it's more like he lost something which belongs to him.

He didn't choose his destination. Just went on the flow. He clearly knew one thing that's it's not the path to his kingdom.

He's mind was blank. He moved ahead without any motive. He just wanted to forget everything. The picture of her, garland exchanging moment, marriage haunted him. At the same time, he saw the scene in his nightmare. The moments with her. Tears escaped from his hazels and flow down from his cheeks as waterfall.

He increased the speed as all kind of emotions occurred him. He cool wind slapped his cheeks as he increased the speed even more.

He can't do anything besides from tolerate the torture.


Chariot moved towards the exit direction of Panchal. It must be take more than 12 hours to reach Ang. Karn already planned something.

Yesterday evening, he sneaked out from the palace and met his soldiers, spies who disguise as commoners to tell about his plan. He returned to palace before anyone could know. He joined in dinner to prove that he is not going anywhere.

In the morning, just some hours before his marriage, he went to Drishtadyumna for know something important.

Two hour passed as they on the way to their destination. Draupadi felt lonely and stressed as she in the palki alone. The maids and soldier were following her palki as hers following Karn's chariot. She could hear the sound as the maids and soldiers were in huge number.

"How long I should bear this loneliness" Draupadi mumbled to herself as she rolled her eyes.

Fear and confuse occurred her as her palki stopped in halfway suddenly. Even though, she didn't go anywhere out from her kingdom, she knew that it will at least more than 10 hours to reach Ang.

She drew open the curtain to check whether everything is fine. She stunned as she saw pair of brown orbs straight in front of her. After some second of silence, Karn spoke up.

"Princess, don't you mind come with me in the chariot?" he asked softly while hesitation clearly visible on his manly voice.

This is the first time he is speaking to her, his love. Actually asking for something.

Draupadi not even expect this in her nightmare. She felt happy as she understood he loneliness. However, she liked his character as she saw him helping and take care of the orphan children but some kind of fear occurred her the night before her marriage. Will he understand her? Will he respect her and her emotions?

Today, all the doubt vanished from her mind. One question from him made her felt blessed to have him as her husband.

"Princess? Where are you lost?" he asked with a soft smile played on his corner of lips as he broke hers chain of thoughts.

She looked him as her cheeks turned into light shade of pink.

"Hmm... Yes, sure" she nodded simply with a charming smile. She climbed down from the palki. She straightened her lehenga and elegantly walked behind Karn as his chariot were stopped some meter afar from her palki.

Karn stopped abruptly made Draupadi stood behind him. He saw her, the confusion and unknown reaction, maybe little bit of fear visible on her face.

"Why don't you walk with me Princess? Why you are follow me?" He asked her as he eagerly waited for hear her sweet voice.

"I'm your wife. As per custom I should follow you, right?" She lowered her head as answered his question with a question mark.

"It's not like that princess. According to me wives are not slave to husbands. In this divine husband and wife relationship both of them are equal. Both of them contribute equally for create a peaceful life. So being my wife, please don't follow this unwanted custom or tradition" he said as his eyes mirrored concern while lips curved into an assuring smile.

"Can you do it for me?" He said as looked at her.

All the words left from his mouth made Panchali dumbfounded. He is a deep thinker indeed. As per her maid's experience, they told her that husbands are always domain wives. They don't respect their wives. Men always women wanted to be under their control. But he is not like them. How could be he respect her that much? What did she really done to have him as her husband.

"Princess?" He said as she lost again in her own dreamland.

"Hmm, as your wish" she said in her melodious voice as she nodded her head in agreement.

They walked in parallel to each other. The cool breeze hit their faces. Karn wished for the time freeze. There is no other in surrounding as the maids and soldiers stayed at the same place as before.

Just him and his love. The cool breeze, made him overwhelmed in happiness. He never had anything he wished. She is the first one and the best one.

They reached the chariot. Karn climbed up first and gesture her to give her hands in his. She smiled and put her hand in his. The first touch sent shivers to her spine. Her cheeks heated up. Karn helped her to climb up chariot.

Karn enjoyed the scenario. There is no different between her cheeks and the vermilion on her scalp. Both of them in same chariot now.

Karn noticed that she was searching for something. "Looking for something, aren't you?" He asked as looked at the way.

"Um... Actually, I'm looking for the charioteer. So then only we can move right?" with some hesitation she mentioned.

"We don't need any charioteer princess. I am quite good at riding chariot. So don't be afraid. I can manage" he said with an assuring smile.

"Wow, that's really nice" she said in amusement.

He looked at her with a confusion. Why did her face mirror amusement?

"Maybe that's because I am a son of charioteer" he said as unknown guiltiness and sorrow married his features. He downed his head abruptly.

There is no other noise. Only the sound of air can be heard.

The unbearable silence of some seconds made him looked at her.

She was looking straight into his brown orbs.

He doesn't know why, even though she already stated that she doesn't have any problem with the caste on her swayamvar. He thought that maybe she said like that because to protect his father and country's dignity. He desperately wanted to see her reaction and hear her own opinion.

She opened the mouth to say something.


Arjun slowed the speed as he felt tired after sometime. There are no tears left in his eyes.

He must take rest, he already spent some sleepless nights. The day before her swayamvar he wasn't sleep well. He lost in her thoughts. The night before her marriage was unbearable for him. The pain, sorrow, grief haunted him that night.

Not for him, but at least for his dear horse, he must stop. It must be tired after some hours of journey.

His gaze fell on the jungle in afar which look like someone spread a big green color mad there.

Arjun decided to stay at there. So he climbed down from his horse and started to walk slowly towards the jungle.

So guys, this for today. I hope you like this. Let me know about this chapter in comment. Until then be safe.

Thank you💕

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