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Their chariot entered the initial part of the kingdom. Gazing at her surrounding, Draupadi wondered what she had done to end up there in Anga. the kingdom was bizarre. 

"How is our kingdom, princess?"

She turned to meet his gaze but looked straight into the pathway while wearing a soft smile. She left with no words to describe. Everything was so serene. The greenery views, golden carpet like the field to get a harvest. The genuine giggles of children. Group of women singing songs while making flower garlands. Men were continuing with their firewood breaking. Some of them teasing their wives who sat some feet apart. The happiness and joy coated a heavy layer in the air.

He smiled looking at her, "This is our kingdom too, outer part. Were going to enter our main palace by the secret way, not by the capital"

"I...I...don't know how to describe," she said between a sigh and endless smile. She was overjoyed, after all this is what a woman's heart yearning for. A simple selfless life with loved ones. Her eyes roamed all over the village like a kid who didn't witness that before, while her orbs sparked with never-ending happiness. He enclosed her fragile frame by his arm lovingly.

'Your innocence must be death for me one day he thought.

In no time they reached the main entrance of the palace. The big rosewood doors cracked open by the soldiers. Smiles bloomed everywhere as the loyal soldiers saw their generous king with his queen. Head bowed, sword held close to their heart, they welcomed the newly wedded couple respectfully from the bottom of their heart.

"Your highness, queen mother waiting in the doorway" maid made known as Karn nodded his head in agreement. He helped her to climb down from the chariot. Straightening her clothes, she followed him.

They both stood at the first step of the staircase. Her heart hammered, nervous gripped her soul, the kingdom, surroundings, people, culture, and everything were so new to her. She was going to meet her in-laws after marriage, neither she had any idea about them nor they would accept her. The sudden nervous and unknown trepidation behind her veil was not unnoticed by her husband. The sudden shyness dusted her cheeks as he interlocked his finger with her. No words were spoken yet her husband slightly squeezed her dainty hands assuringly. 

"My mother is so soft, I swear she will like you, love you, pamper you and in the process, she will abound me" he whispered in her ear softly making her lips curled into a broad smile. Like a descent from heaven, she elegantly climbed up the steps of the majestic palace of Anga. 

"Putri!" she heard a joy-filled motherly voice as she was on the last step. A kind yet soft smile displayed on the lady's serene face. her guess was correct the lady was her mother-in-law by now. She was in a royal blue saree with fewer ornaments.  

She hugged her fondly. The never experienced warmth of a mother, attract Panchali to her. 

"Pithashree" her husband hummed softly. "Come here my boy!" his father spread his arms to his son. They were a perfect family indeed.

The newlyweds bowed to take blessing from the elders.

"Bless you, kids, may both of you stay happy as always!" the elderly couple blessed them in unison, their overjoyed voices merged while reverberated through the palace atrium.

Wiping away a tear of joy, Radha cupped her cheeks. "We are so lucky to have you in our family princess. I am so happy for my son to have you as his better half. I could never thank almighty enough for merging you in our small family" 

"No...No..It's not you, I am the lucky person here to end up in this kind of heartwarming family. To have in-laws like you" her voice was merely audible.

"Maybe parents, dear," Adirath said while looking at his wife smiling who nodded her head like a child while grinning.

"Umm. Did I tell you right? My mom will abound me after seeing you. There goes."

Radha moved forward while gesturing to hug him, but twisted his ear. "Says who? You the one, You the one who abandoned us. You don't even bother to tell us where have you been. We both worried about you and our daughter"

"Okay...Okay.I am sorry" his pleading was cute enough to melt his mother's heart. She chuckled and embraced him, the mother's heartfelt like her soul back to her after ages. Holding her son close to her heart gave her all the happiness and peacefulness. Unshed tears rolled down her cheeks. 

"I missed you very much" she whispered tenderly caressing his locks. No matter what, the well-grown man in front of her sight always remains as the toddler who used to run behind her. growing older, become mature, all are the rule of nature yet a mother's mind never admits the ultimate truth.

"I am here too" he mocked a cough. Grabbing everyone's attention he grinned. They were three. A little yet perfect family. His father was neither strict nor hostile like her father. Of course, his mother made her feel the sensation she never experienced in her whole life.

 He told her the kingdom, authorities were the fruit of his deeds. They were commanders nothing more. Yet their affection, behavior, hospitality was much more touching and genuine than royals.

She was perplexed watching the mother-son duo's fondness, maybe for the first time. Radha noticed Draupadi being drowned in her thought, she gestures her to join the group up by opening her arm towards her.

Tightening her arms around her son and daughter in law she prayed to them stay happy and together like this forever and ever.


Radha stood beside the majestic gold-coated door of the palace, holding the big platter filled with a Diya, vermillion, turmeric, sandalwood paste, rice, and seven various kinds of flowers. She followed her husband, the veil in light shade miserably failed to hide her flushed face in happiness.

The palace women's melodious soft voices filled the area in a beautiful auspicious song.  holding the platter at the reach of the couple's face she drew circles while her lips parted revealed her grin. She threw the white grain with flower petals as the blessings.

"Welcome to home, sweetheart" her vermillion dipped finger made contacted with glabella, revealing her face in the process.

"Purify this palace by your presence. Come in dear" she moved backward, guided her to come in.

The vessel filled with raw newly harvest grain came in her sight. She craned her neck to see her husband who nodded his head assuringly, releasing her hand from his.

She fisted her lehenga slowly raising, she slightly pushed the vessel made the grains spread in classy white marble. Radha's heart is wrapped with happiness as welcoming her son's bride is not only the palace but their lives.

The young maiden's nervousness, anxiety flew away by the big windows, replaced by joy and fulfillment. The chilly wind caressed all of them, indicating the presence of the goddess of prosperity.

She placed her right leg in crossing the doorstep, following by her husband. The platter with the vermillion mixture was placed in front of her. She dipped her feet in the cold mixture. The fragile creature walked on the white cloth carefully by the guidance of her mother-in-law. In the end, the flower rain poured on the newlyweds.

The couple's stood in the hallway. Joy filled in the thin air. Everyone departed to arrange the feast with 32 various dishes as per their custom, leaving them all alone. Gazing at his heavenly-faced wife, he passed a chuckle. "Welcome love," he said in between his chuckle. His dream finally came true without any hindrance for the first time. 

"Thank you!" merely audible tone she chose to blurt out the two massive words.


Hey sweetheart, sorry for making you guys wait for so long. Genuine apology from me.
And thanks to my loyal readers for heartwarming messages🌠🌟
Love you 3000❤❤❤

New cover credits go to my sissy Sassy_Nightangle

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