Chapter 41: After party

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We are now within Grand Zeno's palace and we are joined by all the gods and fighters that participated within the tournament. Thanks to the suggestion of a certain Saiyan/Dragon hybrid, they are all now celebrating after such a spectacular tournament and now they all deserve a small reward for participating.

We now see many of the gods chatting and conversing while waiting for their meals and snacks. The fighters are all getting to know one another and are now getting along as if they weren't trying to hurt each other in the tournament. They are no longer enemies and are now comrades.

However, there is one person who is not within any of the groups chatting. A certain newfound king of the destroyers was nowhere to be seen. Where could he be?

Y/n: Order up!!

Everyone in the room looked over to the giant doors leading to the kitchen and out cane dozens of clones of y/n who were all carrying different types of food from earth. All the gods and fighters start drooling from the aroma of the delicious food and couldn't move any faster to their seats at the large dining tables.

Vegeta: It's about time, I'm starving here

Goku: Come on y/n let's eat already!

Y/n: Hold your horses you big babies.

All the fighters sat down with the gods including the ever stoic Jiren who seemed to not care much, but kept his eyes on a large meat lovers pizza coming his way.

Y/n and his clones placed the food in front of all the gods and fighters and you could hear the loud gulps of everyone in the room once they all got a good look at the steaming meals. Even the angels were breaking their stoic looks to drool at the food.

Y/n then gave the Zeno's and his bodyguards their own meals and finally he gave a large serving to his own father, who was simply floating off to the side in his smaller form that made him no bigger than a normal fire drake.

Y/n: Enjoy dad

Great Red: Thank you son

Y/n: Enjoy your meals!

They didn't need to be told twice, every god and fighter digged into their meals while several of the more mechanical fighters sat to the side drinking cans of oil and eating other metal.

Ribrianne: Wow! This food is magnificent!

Roasie: Yeah, it's spectacular!

Kakunsa: Wonderful!

Heles: This food truly is divine! Do all mortals eat this food in the 7th universe?

Beerus: Hahaha! Of course they do! It's also why i never destroyed it!

Whis: Mmmm~ I can never get enough of earth's fine cuisines.

Vados: Yes, i can see why, these meals are very exquisite

Marcarita: I agree, it's quite a shame that our universe doesn't have wonderful meals such as this, don't you agree Lord Belmont?

Belmont: *grudgingly* Y-Yeah i guess

Beerus: *smirks* Oh come now, what's with the sad face? Still bummed out you lost the tournament?

Belmont: *growls* It's not enough that your universe won the tournament, but now your rubbing the fact that your universe has great food too.! This is just humiliating!

Khai: Come now Lord Belmont let it go. We lost fair and square and we must accept our lost with some dignity.

Belmont: *groans* Whatever

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