Chapter 58: Civil War

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It's been a few days since Rachel had went berserk and she is still missing. Y/n searched the entire planet for her after she disappeared. He flew all over the planet trying to find her, but no matter how hard he looked he could never find her.

Y/n was sleeping in his hut and suddenly felt a jolt of spiritual power in the distance. He woke up and went to the window feeling the power in the distance. He looked and saw a green light flying into the sky in the distance and then the light burst and the entire sky lights up in green lights.

 He looked and saw a green light flying into the sky in the distance and then the light burst and the entire sky lights up in green lights

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Y/n: Amazing

Y/n put on a shirt and walked out and saw Katara step outside her hut along with Asami and Ty Lee. They all grouped up together to watch.

Katara: She did it

Asami: Who?

Y/n: Korra, she unlocked a portal to the spirit world

Ty Lee: What? Really?

Katara: Yes, it seems a new day is coming and i hope it's for the best.

Y/n: If that's so, then why do i feel like this is not for the best.

Asami: What do you mean?

Y/n: First the dark spirits and then Rachel and her rampage. I don't think they are both just a coincidence.

Ty Lee: You think they are connected in some way?

Y/n: I don't know, but what i do know is that something big is coming and we are all gonna be caught in the middle of it.

They all remain quiet after y/n said that. They all just stared at the lights in the sky and hope that things will be alright. Asami grabs y/n's hand and squeezes it in comfort which he smiled at. Ty Lee noticed this and did the same on his other hand and he smiled again all the same. He's gonna have a lot on his hands, but he'll take it one step at a time.


The next day, y/n was out for a walk in the city after his morning training with his godly powers. It still surprises him that he is now a god. He may not remember how it happened, but he is kind of grateful to it all the same. His powers of a god are very fascinating. Not only can y/n change his form and actually control his age, he can do things that only gods can do like give blessings, alter the world the way he sees fit like altering reality, changing people's memories, transform people, breath in space since technically gods don't need to breathe since they are immortal, curse them and many more things. However, the best thing he could do now as a god is every saiyans dream......he can now summon food. I'll let that jumble around in your brains.

It all sounds very well and good, but it's sort of hard for him to give blessings when he doesn't know what he dominions are so it's a bit difficult to bless, curse and alter reality if you don't know where your aspects lay. However, there is a ritual to find out what his dominions are, but he needs the full moon which passed almost two weeks ago so he needs to wait another two to find out what his dominions are. He would lie if he said he wasn't a little giddy to find out what his dominions are.

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