Chapter 54: Memories & Date for the Ball

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It's been three months since the Equalists had been disbanded and Korra had unlocked her Avatar state. Korra has been kept busy with giving all the benders who had their bending taken away given back to them. To add to that she also needs to master airbending. She's got a lot on her plate at the moment

Rachel has started her little "vigilante" work throughout the city. She only goes out at night when she can appear and disappear as easily as she can. The people of the city call her the "Dark Spirit of Justice". A pretty lame name that got a good laugh out of y/n and Ty Lee much to the dark users annoyance.

Ty Lee is still giving self-defense classes and started teaching dance classes as well, she trains almost every week with Asami. The two of them really hit it off as friends after the whole Equalist thing. Although everytime y/n enters the room they both start glaring at one another and start pining for y/n's attention, much to the godly hybrids confusion.

Asami now owns Future Industries and has started getting it back on track. Thanks to all the plans that Hiroshi left behind in all his secret workshops, Asami now has the blueprints of the mecha tanks and airplanes. However, even with the new machines and devices no company wants to work with her since her father was a criminal and no one wants to associate with her.

Bolin is now leading the Fire Ferrets since Mako and Korra had to quit due to their other responsibilities. What kind of responsibilities does Mako have now you ask? He's now a police officer and guess who's training him? That's right the MC himself Y/n AKA Tian Long.

Speaking of our MC, his career in the police force has skyrocketed thanks to his contribution to the arrests of thousands of Equalists. Thanks to the files and lists of every Equalist hideout, members and benefactors that supported the Equalists that he and Ty Lee were able to get their hands on, y/n and Ty Lee were both awarded with medals that were presented by the reinstated Chief Beifong. Y/n was promoted to head detective much to the annoyance of Detectives Lu and Gang.

He's also been training to use his Ki a lot better and thanks to Rachel's guidance on perfecting control of ones energy, so far he's got a pretty good handle on his powers and is ready to take on his younger self in his mind. However, he's not going in alone this time.

Rachel: Are you ready?

Y/n: Yeah, but the question is, are you two ready?

Rachel: Don't worry, were both ready *looks to the side* right Korra?

Korra: Yeah don't worry about it

That's right, Korra now knows about Rachel and her past now along with all the others and the Chief and the airbenders. They've all decided to keep it a secret, they all realize the gravity of universal travel and how dangerous it can be. Plus, what other people might do to her if her powers are discovered.

After Korra unlocked her Avatar state and gave all the benders their bending back, y/n came to Korra and asked for her help. Rachel explained that Korra can help her to help y/n by using her positive energy to help fuel Rachel's power and help y/n.

Let me break it down for you, you see the reason why Rachel couldn't use her powers before is because she's half demon and since y/n is a god she couldn't use her powers on him without causing some kind of backlash. So Rachel can only use her human half powers to help y/n, but the problem is that her human half is not strong enough so she needs more power, thus is where Korra comes in.

(A/n: She still hasn't told y/n that he is a god. She plans on telling him after he gains his memories back.)

Korra will be fueling Rachel with enough energy to go into y/n's subconscious and help him taks down his younger persona. Korra will also be tagging along since she will be connected to Rachel the entire time.

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