Chapter 60: Breaking up

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Varrick's boat was now pulling into the bay of Republic City. The entire gang stood on the dock waiting for the boat to dock.

Bolin: So? What are you guys going to do now that were home?

Y/n: I'm gonna need to start back up on my investigations. I left a lot of cases left open before i left and i don't expect Lu and Gang to have finished any of them.

Mako: Why would you leave your cases to those two idiots? They can't solve a crime unless it's at their favorite jelly donut bakery.

Y/n: They're the comedic relief for my boring day at work. The last time i saw those two, i threw a box of jelly donuts on the floor and they both fought to death for it...or at least attempted to fight until they knocked each other out from bashing heads.

Korra: *snicker* You had two grown men fight to the death over a box of donuts?

Y/n: Oh yeah, you should see what i can do a bottle of ranch and buffalo hawk wings.

Mako: *chuckle* Oh yeah i remember that, Lu and Gang got into a mud wrestling match until the chief came in and ate the entire box herself.

Asami: *giggle* Okay that's just too cruel

Y/n: I know that's why i told the chief about the box. Buffalo hawk wings are her favorite snacks.

Mako: Wait, how do you know they are her favorite?

Y/n: Because she told me

Mako: When?

Y/n: A few months ago, why?

Mako: I don't know it's just that the chief isn't exactly that easy to talk to. So how do you know such personal things about her?

Y/n: *shrugs* Probably because she likes me better than all the other idiots in the precinct.

Mako was about to answer, but they were interrupted by Varrick on the speaker.

Varrick: We have arrived at Republic City! Now let's get some Buffalo Hawk wings, i have a sudden craving for them! Zhu Li let's go!

Varrick and Zhu Li come out of the cock pit and out the ships and onto the pier and run down the pier while still wearing the platypus bear stuffed suit. As they ran, they ran past some police officers arresting some people wearing water tribe clothes. The rest of the gang got off the boat and went up to the police and met a familiar face.

Korra: Chief...Beifong?

Lin was overseeing the arrest of the water tribe people when she turned around and all the people who haven't seen the chief recently were shocked. The reason why they were shocked was because she looked different from the last time they saw her.

She no longer has grey hairs, her skin was smooth and had less wrinkles in it, her eyes were much brighter like she had more energy than her old exhausted self, not to mention her body was much more...mature. Her breasts looked to as if they've gone up a size or two, her hips were much wider, her rear was a lot more shapely and plump and looked to be bouncing a little with every stel she would take.

 Her breasts looked to as if they've gone up a size or two, her hips were much wider, her rear was a lot more shapely and plump and looked to be bouncing a little with every stel she would take

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