Chapter 19: So much Drama!!!

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Y/n and the gorgon sisters appeared in the middle of central park. Nobody looked in their direction, which weirded y/n, until he remembered what Chiron told him about the mist. He then looked to Medusa and her sisters and finally realized something.

Y/n: Hey Medusa, who exactly cursed you?

Medusa: Y-You don't know?

Y/n: No, i don't know much about this worlds history

Sthello: This worlds history?

Y/n: Oh yeah i guess i forgot to tell you. I'm not from this world, I'm actually from another

Euryale: Like an alien?

Y/n: Yeah, exactly that. So can you please tell me who cursed you?

Medusa:....Athena, she was the one who cursed us.

Y/n: Wow, didn't take someone as wise as Athena would be so cruel. You would think someone as smart as her would curse the guy who raped you in her temple instead of you and your sisters.

Medusa: *sigh* The gods can do very idiotic things when they are angry.

Y/n: Well hey, how about i break your curse for you?

Medusa: W-Wait you can break the curse?

Y/n: Yeah, it might take a lot of power since it was cased by a goddess, but it should be do able.

Medusa: Then please break it!

Medusa and her sisters gave y/n a very hopeful look. They have been waiting millennia for their curse to be broken and they are very desperate.

Y/n: Okay, let's go behind those trees, we don't want to disturb anybody.

They all went deeper into the treeline in the park and found themselves near the lake and saw Dryads and Water Nymphs playing. They spotted the gorgon sisters and ran for cover making the sisters depressed.

Y/n: It's okay, you can all come out. They won't hurt ya, trust me.

The spirits didn't come out and were peeking at the sisters to see if they are hostile. Y/n then started channelling senjutsu chakra and purified the vegetation around him and turned all the negative emotions of the spirits and gorgon sisters into positive emotions. Eventually the spirits came out cautiously keeping their eyes on the sisters.

Dryad 1: Y-You have a connection to nature?

Y/n: That's right, i know senjutsu and can connect with and purify nature.

Nymph 1: If that's so, then can you clean our lake?

They moved out of y/n's view and showed the lake full of trash and scum and no clear water.

Y/n: Wow, when was the last time the lake was cleaned?

Nymph 2: Humans have been polluting nature and tossing their trash everywhere since as far as we can remember

All the nature spirits became depressed, they can't do anything to ensure their homes are cleaned because humans keep polluting no matter how much they try to clean it up.

Y/n: Hm, let me try something.

Y/n then walked to the edge of the lake and placed his palm against the surface of the water. He then sensed out all the foreign residue and tried to isolate it from the natural stuff. He then started building his power and then used his destruction ki.

Y/n: Hakai!

A purple aura enveloped y/n and then a purple ring shot out from his hand on the lake and spread out throughout the water. Then after a few seconds, all the trash and scum in the water started disappearing into thin air. The mud underwater became docile and calm and sank back to the bottom of the water and the lake became clear as crystal.

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