Chapter 7: Training & Familiars

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It's been a couple of days since Asia was turned into a devil. She was then enrolled into school thanks to Rias's dad being one of the members of the school board. Asia was then placed into second year classes thanks to her being one year older than y/n, which was a disappointment for her seeing as she won't be in the same class as y/n.

She was also placed into the same class as Issei, which got him a death threat from Koneko, that if he pervd on her in class with his friends then she will crush his nuts. So Issei is Asia's unofficial guardian while in that class.

On another note, Asia has also moved in with y/n, Bithiah and Rika. However, to y/n's ire they all sleep in the same bed as him every night. Sometimes naked, even though y/n us dense, he can take a hint this obvious.

Right now, they are all sitting in the ORC room waiting for Asia and Issei to come back from handing out flyers. Y/n is currently giving a foot massage to Rias who asked for one. So being the nice guy that y/n is, he started rubbing her feet the second she asked nicely.

Rias: Mmmm~ Oh that feels good~ A little harder y/n

Y/n: Okay

Standing in the room is Akeno who as usual has a smile on her face, but you can see the jealous aura around her. Koneko who as usual is eating sweets, but she keeps staring at y/n hoping that she will get a foot massage as well. Kiba who is watching all of this with amusement at how obvious the other two are jealous of Rias.

Y/n then finishes the massage, but just as Koneko and Akeno were about to ask him for one. Both Issei and Asia come in

Issei: Were back

Asia: We finished handing out all the flyers

Rias: Great work you two, Asia i believe it's time for you to go on your first contract.

Asia: Really?

Rias: That's right

Kiba: Way to go Asia

Koneko: Rock on

Issei: Wait hold on Buchou, do you think it's really okay to send Asia so soon?

Akeno: Oh don't you worry you cute little pumpkin head. Asia will be fine aside from me she was the beat magic capabilities in the room. She can handle herself

Issei: Yrah about i take the job?

Rias: Really you want to take the job?

Issei: Yeah I'll take it!

Rias: *sigh* Alright, here

She hands him the flyer and he runs out the door and hops on a bike to head to the contract.

Asia: Um Buchou

Rias: Yes Asia

Asia: Why did he leave on a bike and not a magic circle?

Koneko: *snort*

Rias: *giggle* Because he doesn't have enough magical energy to make the jump.

Asia: But doesn't it take only the amount that can fill up a church mouse?

Akeno: *Giggle* Yes, but unfortunately Issei doesn't have enough.

Asia: Oooooohhhh~

Rias: *sigh* That reminds me, we really need to start his training soon. He doesn't even have enough magical energy to make a single magic circle.

Y/n: I can help with the training.

Koneko: And the main character comes to rescue

Rias: Are you sure y/n?

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