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*Ashton's POV*

I laughed as I felt Saxon poke me in my side again. I was in his arms and I started to squirm, trying to get away. After we had broken out of our content silence Saxon had thrown me into the lake, lets just say that payback sucks.

We had played at the lake for hours, splashing in the water and swimming around. We were now walking home, ok more like Saxon was walking and I was in his arms because I was to lazy to walk, but still.

"Saxon! Stop it!" I giggled as he poked me in the side again. His arms tightened around me and he poked my side again.

"Stop squirming or i'll drop you." Saxon said trying to be serious, but you could tell he found this funny because the corners of his mouth were turned up into a small smile.

"You wouldnt." I said with a smile. I looked up at Saxon and saw that he had a cocky smirk on his face.

"Wanna bet?" He asked with a teasing tone to his voice. I slightly giggled and raised my eyebrow at him.

"You would t hurt this beautiful face." I said cockily. Saxon rolled his eyes at me and continued to walk. I thought that I had won so I started to do a mini happy dance in his arms, that is until he stopped again and before I could even process what was happening I was being thrown high into the air.

A small scream left my mouth as I started to fall towards the ground, I closed my eyes and prepared to hit the but I didn't. Instead of feeling the hard ground underneath me, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me safely towards there chest.

I opened my eyes and glared up at Saxon, he had a huge, amused smile on his face.

"That was not funny Saxon!" I said with a pout. He chuckled at me and continued walking towards the house.

"It was pretty funny baby, you actually thought I was going to let you hit the ground." He replied. I rolled my eyes at him, of course he would think its funny.

"I could have died!" I exclaimed dramatically. This time it was Saxons turn to roll his eyes. We continued our argument for the rest of the five minute walk back to the house, me saying I could have died and him saying it was funny.

Once we got back to the house Saxon walked up to the back door and opened it stepping in with me still in his arms. I looked around the kitchen and noticed that Alice was sitting at the kitchen table. I was surprised to see her there because she had disappeared after the funeral, not telling anybody were she went. Thinking about the funeral instantly put a damper on my happy mood.

Saxon must have noticed my sudden change in mood and gave me a questioning look. I shook my head at him and motioned that I would tell him later. Saxon sighed and looked like he was having an internal battle.

"I have to go take care of some pack problems with Reed, will you be alright here?" He asked as he stepped closer to me, pulling me into his arms. I heard my wolf whimper but hushed her up.

"Ya I'll be fine." I replied with a fake smile. Saxon obviously saw right threw it because he frowned and pulled me closer.

"Are you sure? Because I could just cancel and go some other time." He offered being the gentleman he is. I shook my head at him and gave him a real smile this time.

"Go." I ordered as I gave him a small push. He barely moved but he got the message. Before he left he pulled me in and gave me a small kiss. I smiled at his retreating back before turning back to Alice. I walked over to her and slowly placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped away from my touch but kept her head down.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to." I said softly. A small cry left Alice's lips before her body started to shake as she tried to hold in the sobs.

"I-I m-m-miss him so m-much. I just don't k-know what to do anymore." She said between sobs. I opened my arms for her, very slowly, and waited for her to act. She immediately hugged me back and cried into my shirt.

"Alice I believe in you. I believe that you can get threw this, your such a strong person." I said with determination in my voice. Alice's cries started to slow and she pulled back from me slightly.

"I don't think I can." She said quietly and in such a small voice you would think she was a child.

"Yes you can, I know you can." I repeated. Alice put her head back on my shoulder and looked up at me with her big green eyes, so filled with pain and sorrow. And from that moment on I promised myself that I would help heal this girls broken heart, that I would be the friend that she needs.


I jumped as I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist, I knew who it was dew to the sparks that erupted everywhere we touched.

"Hi Saxon." I said as I turned around and looked up at Saxons gorgeous face. He had a smile on his face but you could tell he was exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair looked like he had ran his fingers threw it many times.

"Hi baby girl." He replied as his arms tightened around me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I reached my hand up to his face. I placed my hand on his cheek and he nuzzled his cheek closer. Sighing he answered,

"Nothing, just pack business. Reed and I have decided that we are going to start training the packs starting tomorrow, we also decided that it would be best if you lead the practices, so will you?" He asked quietly. I thought about it for a moment but decided I would have to.

"Of course I will." I said with a small smile of my own. Saxon grinned down at me.

"I knew you would." He stated. Neither one of us spoke after that, to lost on our own thoughts I guess. I don't know what Saxon was thinking about but all I could think about is how I am going to have to train a pack of wolf tomorrow, a pack that used to bully me.


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