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*Ashton's POV*

I let out another quiet whimper as the man brought his fist down into my stomach. He had been beating me for about fifteen minutes now and I'm positive that when he gets done i'll have a few broken bones. When the man had brought me my food earlier he had tried to kiss me so I spat in his face, that of course resulted in a cruel beating from him.

He delivered another hard kick to my side and I heard my rib crack. I held in the cry that was begging to be released and bit my bottom lip.

"That ought to teach you to never do that again." The man spoke harshly and spat on me. He turned on his heals and left the room. After that I did nothing but lie there not moving, trying not to cause myself anymore pain.

'Saxon' I spoke threw my mind again. I have been trying to contact him threw our mate bond all day but it hasn't been working, I think it has something to do with what they drugged me with. I really hope that Saxon is okay though because I know he can feel my pain. The mate bond isn't full yet but it's partially there so we can still feel some of the others pain.

I heard the door to my dark cell creak open and I closed my eyes, trying to pretend I was asleep so they would leave me alone. The person walked into the room and I heard the light switch on. My breathing became ragged because, I hate to admit it, but i'm scared out of my mind of these people.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you." A quiet female voice spoke. I was slightly startled but I kept my eyes closed. The girl walked closer to me and she kneeled down in front of me. I heard her take something out of a package before she spoke again.

"My names Emily. I promise I won't hurt you. I just came down here to help you with your injures." She spoke softly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the girl. She looked to be my age, maybe a bit older, and she was very pretty. She had dark black hair that reached a little bit below her shoulders and very pretty brown eyes. Her skin is pale but it looks good on her.

"My names Ashton." I spoke slowly. Emily looked happy that I had spoken to her.

"Why are you down here helping me?" I asked timidly. Her face fell for a moment.

"I don't agree with what my father and his men are doing." She said to me. Her father?

"Who's your father?" I asked. She looked at the ground for a moment before answering me.

"He's the alpha." I furrowed my eyebrows and studied her face for a moment. She looks like him now that I think about it.

"So are you down here trying to get information out of me or something?" I asked her angrily. She shook her head quickly.

"No I'm not. Like I said before I don't agree with what there doing to you. My dad and and his other men are all out right now, there's only one guard upstairs so I came down here to take care of you." She answered. I nodded my head and smiled at her. I could tell she was telling the truth by the look in her eyes.

Emily slowly helped me sit up and boy was it painful. After that she took a wet rag that she had brought with her and she cleaned all of the blood off of my body. She gave me a few aspirins to help me with the pain and then she cleaned and wrapped up the cuts in my arms. The worst part of it all was when she had to wrap my sides up, I had three cracked ribs. By the time Emily was done I felt a whole lot better but I was still in a lot of pain.

"So why are you here with your father anyways?" I asked Emily as she took a seat next to me. She got a pained look on her face for a moment before she answered.

"My mother was killed in a fight with another pack five years ago. So I've had to stay with my dad." She said the last part rather angrily.

"Do you not like your dad?" I asked. She shook her head angrily.

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