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*Ashton's POV*

My mother stood in the driveway talking to Saxons parents. They were laughing and having a good time. There heads turned to us when we pulled into the drive way, a few seconds later Saxon and Reed pulled in. Saxon got out of his car and went to greet his parents. He was talking to them, laughing and having a good time. I felt a stab of pain in my heart, why can't I have parents that love me? I shrugged off the feeling and got out of the car. As soon as my mother saw me her smile turned to a frown. Julie, Saxons mother, followed her gaze and her eyes landed on me. She studied me for a moment before her eyes lit up.

She made her way to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Ashton! I've missed you so much. Oh look at you, your so beautiful!" She exclaimed. I always loved Julie. I smiled at her and replied,

"I've missed you to Julie. And thank you." Julie was always there for me when I needed somebody and in all honesty, she was the only person I missed when I left. Her husband, Bill, made his way over to us.

"It's nice to see you again Ashton." Bill said kindly. I reached my hand out for him to shake but he pulled me into a hug. "My wife's right Ashton, your very beautiful. I'm sure whoever your mate turns out to be is going to be a very lucky man." My eyes flashed to Saxon for a moment and I noticed that there was pain in his eyes. When he noticed me looking he quickly looked away.

"Ya I guess." I said nicely. Bill smiled an returned to his conversation with my mother.

"Ashton I have to ask, why did you run away?" Julie asked. I sighed knowing that she would eventually ask this question.

"I...just needed to get away for a while, ya know?" I replied. I hated lying to people but I couldn't tell her the truth.

"Oh I see. I just wished you would have told me darling, I was worried sick about you!" Julie laughed. I smiled a real smile and replied,

"I'm sorry Julie, it won't happen again." She smiled at me, kissed me on the cheek and went back to her conversation. I turned towards Lilly and she motioned towards the house, I nodded my head and followed her.

When we got inside I threw my bag on the ground and ran to the kitchen. Rummaging threw the fridge I found some strawberries and started to eat them. I looked towards Lilly and raised a eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She seemed tense and nervous.

"Umm nothing." She replied, just a little to quickly. I frowned, I thought we were friends.

"You can tell me ya know. Whatever it is I won't tell." I tried to reassure her. She nodded her head and looked towards the floor.

"I think I might be pregnant." She said, barely above a whisper. I gasped, but then started to jump around like a little girl.

"Yay! I'm gonna be an auntie!" I shrieked. Lilly jumped forward and clasped a hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh! It's not for sure yet!" She whispered.My eyes got big and I nodded my head. She slowly removed her hand from my mouth. You see it's normal for werewolves to have children at young ages because its with your mate so you don't have to worry about stuff not working out.

"We need to go to the store and buy a test." I said. She nodded her head. I grabbed Lilly's hand and dragged her towards the front door. We passed Josh on the way and he made a grab for Lilly.

"Sorry Josh, we gotta go!" I yelled as I pulled her away from him. He pouted but said nothing else. When we got outside I shoved Lilly into the passenger seat and started the car up. The store was only a five minute drive away so I took the time to ask her a few questions.

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