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*Ashton's POV*

As soon as I saw that Lilly's water had broken I shot up from my seat and ran to her side.

"Ms. Heart get back in your seat right now!" The teacher yelled at me. I completely ignored him and turned my attention to Lilly.

"Are you alright?" I asked her worriedly. She clenched her teeth and nodded her head. I put my arm around her and helped her out of her seat. We slowly started walking towards the door and everybody was watching us.

"I said get back to your seat!" The teacher yelled again and I turned around to yell at him.

"My friend is in labor so screw you and shut the hell up!" I yelled at him. He looked taken back and didn't say anything. I helped Lilly out into the hall and then I called threw the mind link.

'Saxon! Lilly is in labor!' I yelled.

'Alright I'll get Josh and we'll be right there!' He said back. I hurried Lilly to the entrance of the school and that's where we met Josh and Saxon.

"Lilly are you okay?!" Josh said as he rushed forward. Lilly gripped Josh's hand tightly and he scooped her up into his arms.

"Will you come to the hospital with us?" Lilly asked threw clenched teeth. I nodded my head and grabbed Saxons hand. We ran to our car and followed them to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital the pack doctor was already waiting for us. She had a wheelchair with him so Josh quickly put Lilly in it.

We followed them into the hospital and into the room they were going to set Lilly up in.

"Alright I'm going to check and see how far along you are so I suggest the males leave the room." The doctor said. Saxon and Josh nodded there heads and quickly left the room. I held Lilly's hand as the doctor checked.

"Alright your eight centimeters along so it will be time to push here shortly." The doctor said then left the room.

"Ashton?" Lilly said as she turned towards me.

"What? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. She chuckled at me for a moment before she turned serious again.

"Yes I'm fine. I was just you want to stay in here with me for the birth?" She asked quietly. I smiled at her, happy that she wanted me to stay.

"I would love to." I replied. Lilly's parents had died in a rogue attack a few years ago so she didn't have anybody else who would want to be in the room besides Josh. She gripped my hand and gritted her teeth as another contraction came.

Josh suddenly opened the door and stepped in.

"Is it alright with Josh?" I asked her.

"Yes we already discussed it a few weeks ago." She said happily. I smiled largely.

"Alright I'm going to go tell Saxon." I said and she nodded. I stepped outside of the room and walked over to the bench that Saxon was sitting on.

"Hey." He said as I sat down. I smiled at him and took his hand.

"Lilly wants me to be in the room with her and I said yes." I told him.

"That's great." He smiled. I nodded my head and smiled back. I could hear lily inside the room breathing heavily so I thought that I better get back.

"I'm going to go back, I'll see you when he's born." I said. Saxon nodded and I got up. When I entered the room Josh was on the floor holding his family jewels and Lilly was glaring down at him.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Lilly looked at me and I could tell she was trying to hold in a smile.

"I accidentally hit Josh in his balls." She said innocently and I snorted 'accidentally'. I walked over to her and sat in the chair next to her. We talked about the baby for a few moments before the doctor came in.

"Ok Lilly you should be ready to push now." She said as she walked over to Lilly and I. Josh had pulled himself up off of the floor and he was sitting in the other chair. Lilly nodded her head and took a deep breath. Two nurses came into the room to.

The doctor had Lilly put her legs on these things as she settled herself between them.

"Okay Lilly I want you to push on the count of three and hold it until we say to stope okay?" She asked. Lilly nodded her head and gripped my had.

"One, two, three." The doctor said and Lilly started to push. She held it for ten seconds before releasing a breath. This continued on for about twenty minutes and I was just beginning to think that the baby didn't want to come out when the doctor said,

"I can see the head. One more big push should do it!" Lilly took a deep breath and gave it all her might. A few seconds later the doctor held a bloody but beautiful baby boy in her arms. The baby's cries echoed threw out the room and Lilly had silent tears streaming down her face.

The doctor cleaned up the baby boy and then wrapped him in a blue blanket. She handed the baby to Lilly and I stared down at the adorable little thing. The baby had light blonde hair, so light that you could barely see it and his skin was a light pink color. His eyes were opened and they shined a beautiful blue color. He was staring up at his mom with such love that I couldn't hold back the happy tears that came out of my eyes.

"He's beautiful Lilly." I said as I looked over to Josh. Josh had tears welled in his eyes as he looked down at his son.

"Yes he is. Seth Conner Heart." He said proudly. I smiled and looked back to baby Seth. He now had his thumb in his mouth and he couldn't be cuter. Josh held out his arms and Lilly gentle headed the baby over to him. Josh held his son with so much care, almost like he thought he would break him. I smiled at the happy family and got up from my seat.

"I'm going to go tell the others." I said. The rest of the gang had showed up while Lilly was pushing. I walked out the door and down the hall a little bit before I came to the waiting room. Saxon, Redd, Emily, the twins and Alice sat in the blue chairs. All of there heads snapped up as soon as I entered the room and my two best girl friends ran to me.

"How did it go?!"

"Is he ok?!"

Can we see him?!"

I got slaughtered with questions and I held up my hand to stop them from asking more.

"It went great, yes he's okay and you can see him right now if you'll just calm down." I said calmly. The girls immediately shut up but I could tell that they were excited. Saxon walked over to me and took my hand in his.

We all walked to Lilly's room and as soon as I got the door open Emily and Alice were in the room and staring down at baby Seth.

"He's so cute!" Emily cried. Lilly smiled proudly and I walked over to them.

"Would you like to hold him?" Lilly asked me. I nodded my head eagerly and held my arms open. She place the tiny baby in my arms and I cradled him close to me. I stared down at the little guy and smiled as he clasped his small hand around my shirt.

I looked up from Seth and my eyes met Saxons. He had a look of love and wanting on his face and I smiled happily at that. That was the moment that I decided. That was the moment that I decided that I wanted this, I wanted the happy family and I wanted kids, with Saxon.


Thanks for reading!(:

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