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*Ashton's POV*

I felt my eyelids flutter as I slowly woke from unconsciousness. I yawned and opened my eyes only to realize i was surrounded by darkness. I started to panic for a moment before I remembered what happened, the men down by the lake.

I looked around the small room that they had me in. It was small and very dark. There was a door right in front of me so I figured that they had me in a closet. I took a big sniff of the air and nearly gagged because it smelt so strongly of rogues.

So that's who kidnapped me, the rogues that attacked us last week. I heard footsteps approaching the door so I quickly closed my eyes and evened out my breathing. A few seconds later the for opened and I heard somebody step in. I could tell it was a man because of the heavy footsteps and his scent.

The man quickly walked over to me and bent down in front of me. He hoisted me into his arms and it took everything in me not to lash out on him. The man carried me out of the closet and into another room. I could hear loud talking coming from the room and it sounded like many people were in there.

The people all seemed to quiet up when the man brought me into the room though. I was set down onto what felt like a chair and then there was silence. A few seconds later I heard a door open from somewhere and another man walked in. He slowly walked towards were I was placed.

"Are you sure this is the right girl Donny?" The man who had walked in asked Donny, the guy who had carried me out of the closet.

"I'm positive Alpha. We have spotted her with Saxon many times and he is very protective of her, she's definitely his mate. " Donny answered to the Alpha. So that's why the took me because I'm Saxons mate. I cursed myself for being out alone so late at night, there only going to use me against Saxon.

I heard the alpha walk closer to me before he was standing right in front of me.

"Such a pretty girl. " The alpha spoke as he stoked my cheek. I wanted to hit him for touching me but I kept quiet so I could see if I could get any important information from them.

"To bad she's going to die along with her pathetic mate." The alpha spoke again. This time I couldn't contain my wolf, a loud, menacing growl left my lips and my eyes snapped open. I grabbed the had the alpha still had on my cheek and twisted it down and to the side. The alpha fell to the ground and I was immediately up. I started kicking the alpha in the side and the stomach. I went to deliver another hard blow before I felt myself being ripped from the ground and into a pair of arms.

I kicked and threw punches at the person that was holding me but there very buff arms wouldn't let me go. The alpha got up from the floor and this gave me time to study him. He looked to be about forty and he had dark black hair. His eyes were an ugly yellow but that's the normal color for a person that has been a rogue for a while. He had an ugly scar that ran down the left side of his face. His lip was cut open and bleeding from the hits I had delivered him but I could tell it was already healing.

I expected him to be mad at me for beating him up but instead he laughed. Yes he laughed. He laughed like a maniac and for a moment I thought he was. By the time his laughing fit was over he had tears gathering in the corners if his eyes. I glared at him from where I was being held across the room. He chuckled at me and slowly walked back over to me.

"Your a feisty one now aren't ya?" The alpha said as he stood in front of me. He lifted his hand up to touch me and I growled at him.

"Don't touch me you piece of scum." I spat at him. He slightly laughed at me again before he went completely serious.

"Now you listen here little girl. I can do whatever I want and you have absolutely no say in it. If you want to live to see tomorrow I suggest you never pull that little stunt again." He said absolutely serious. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a cocky smile.

"Ya?" I asked like a smart ass. He glared at me before raising his hand and slapping me across the face, and hard at that. I raised my hand to cup my cheek, pushing away the tears that tried to make there way to the surface I glared at the alpha.

"Don't touch me." I growled again. He grinned at me before saying,

"If you'll listen to me then I won't have to hit you again." I rolled my eyes at him then turned my head to the side. He got the point that I didn't want to talk anymore.

"Where do you want me to take her alpha?" The man who was still holding me asked. The alpha thought for a moment before answering.

"Take her to the basement and chain her up." He answered. The man nodded his head before turning around. I looked around the rest of the room and noticed that there were about ten other men in the room. I could tell they were all rogues because of there yellow eyes.

I was surprised because I saw about five guys that were my age. The guy carried me out of the room and down a hallway that led to a stair case. He carried me down the stairs and pushed open a large metal door. I looked around the room and noticed that on the right side of the room there was a set of metal chains.

The man carried me over to the chains and chained my hands and feet up. He walked back towards the door and turned the light off so I was left in the darkness, scared, cold and alone.


*Saxons POV*

I groaned in frustration when I looked at the clock. It's been two hours and Ashton still hasn't come back from her run. I promise her I wouldn't come along because she needed to be alone but I'm starting to worry. I was just about to get up and go look for her when my bedroom door was thrown open. For a second I thought it was Ashton but then I looked up and realized that it was Josh.

He had a look of complete panic on his face that immediately had me on edge.

"What is it Josh?" I asked quickly. He walked into the room and closed the door.

"We picked up the scent of rogues on the north side of the territory." He said but I could tell he had more to say.

"And?" I asked calmly. He gulped and averted his eyes to the floor.

"We picked up Ashton's scent there to. We tracked her scent and it was mixed with there's all the way out of the territory. They took her Saxon. " he said. I froze and my breathing stopped. They took her, they took my mate. Worry seeped into my bones but then anger quickly replaced it. I let out a loud, growl that rumbled threw the whole house.

I started to shake and before I knew it I had shifted into my large black wolf. I leaped off of the bed and out the door. I was going to get my baby back even if its the last thing I do.


Hey guys! Thanks for all the votes and comments! This chapter is kinda short but oh well. Hope you enjoyed.

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